Default WebSphere Application Server instance
The name of the default WebSphere Application Server instance is default. The default instance is contained in the directory structure under /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default. This instance provides the necessary configuration files for starting and managing the application server that it contains. It also provides the services and resources that are required to deploy and run enterprise applications.
The information below describes the cell, node, servers, applications and ports for the default instance.
Note: If the default instance has been added (federated) into a Network Deployment cell, see Federated default application server instance for a description of the cell, node, servers, applications and ports used for the instance.
General properties
- Instance name: default.
- Cell name: The host name of the iSeries server. For example, MYISERIES. The cell name is case-sensitive.
- Node name: The host name of the iSeries server. For example, MYISERIES. The node name is case-sensitive.
- Application server name: server1. The application server name is case-sensitive.
JMS support
The application server for the default instance is not enabled to use the embedded Java Message Service (JMS) support that is provided by WebSphere Application Server. To enable the application server for embedded JMS, follow these steps:
- On an OS/400 command line, enter the Start Qshell (STRQSH) command.
- At the Qshell prompt, run this command:
/QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/chgwassvr -server server1 -embeddedjms yes- If the application server is running, run these commands to stop it and start it again:
- /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/stopServer server1
- /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/startServer
Note: To use JMS, install WebSphere MQ V5.3 or higher on your iSeries server. WebSphere MQ V5.3 is installed with WebSphere Application Server when you use the default install options.
Pre-deployed applications
The server1 application server includes these applications:
The administrative console application
The administrative console application allows you to configure and manage the application server, enterprise applications and other WebSphere Application Server resources.The DefaultApplication example application
The DefaultApplication contains the snoop, hello, and hitcount examples, which allow you to quickly verify your application server configuration.The install verification application (ivtApp)
This application allows you to use the ivt Qshell script to verify the application server configuration.
Default ports
The default instance is configured to use the ports listed here. To change any of these ports, run the chgwassvr script from Qshell:
/QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/chgwassvr -server server1 -port_parameter new_portwhere -port_parameter is the parameter that you want to change and new_port is the new port number for that parameter. For example, to change the administrative console port to 9091, run this command:
/QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/chgwassvr -server server1 -admin 9091Potential port conflicts with other versions or editions of WebSphere Application Server are noted where appropriate.
Port number Usage chgwassvr parameter Potential conflicts 9090 Administrative console -admin
- WebSphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Single Server Edition default administrative console port
- WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0 default administrative console port
9043 Administrative console SSL-enabled port -adminssl
- WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0 default administrative console SSL-enabled port
2809 Name service port (also called bootstrap port or RMI connector port) -nameservice 8880 SOAP port -soap 9080 Internal HTTP port -inthttp
- WebSphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Edition default internal HTTP port
- WebSphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Single Server Edition default internal HTTP port
7873 Data replication service (DRS) client port -drsclient 5557 Internal JMS server port -jmssecure 5558 Queued JMS server port -jmsqueued 5559 Direct JMS server port -jmsdirect 9501 SAS server port -sas 9503 CSIv2 server authentication port -csiv2server 9502 CSIv2 client authentication port -csiv2client To display information such as node name, ports used, servers and installed applications for the default instance, run the dspwasinst script from Qshell.
For information on creating additional WebSphere Application Server instances, see Administer WebSphere Application Server instances.