Uninstalling on Linux

Uninstalling WebSphere Portal for Test Environment

If you want to uninstall the WebSphere Portal for Test Environment, you will have to use the Portal Toolkit uninstaller.

  1. Log in as root user.
  2. Run the following command.

          cd WS_Installdir/PortalToolkit/_uninst
    where WS_Installdir is the directory that you installed WebSphere Studio.
  3. To ensure proper uninstallation, refer to "Failure of uninstallation of WebSphere Portal Test Environment" to be sure that all files were removed.
Uninstalling WebSphere Portal V5.0 Test Environment

Uninstalling Portal Toolkit

To uninstall Portal Toolkit, you can use the Portal Toolkit uninstaller. Carry out the same steps above except select Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3.