This section contains information that can assist you in preventing, identifying, and correcting problems related to WebSphere Portal. For information related to specific components, see the appropriate troubleshooting topic.
If an error is generated when creating tables in Oracle and you are using Oracle 8i, set the database compatibility parameter to 8.1.0 on Oracle 8i. This parameter can be changed after Oracle is installed by changing the value of the parameter in the database's init.ora file and then stopping and starting the database.
When attempting to connect to a database using a password that is about to expire, you might receive connection errors.
If you are trying to connect to a database using a valid username and password but are receiving a connection error, it might be that you are using a password that is about to expire. When WebSphere Portal tries to make a connection to the database, a warning message is returned. This is not what WebSphere Portal was expecting and will, therefore, give a connection error.
You can solve this by manually resetting the password for your database user from within the database management system. This will stop the warning messages and allow WebSphere Portal to connect to the database without a problem.
During the database import that occurs when configuring WebSphere Portal for Oracle, the database validation task might fail. If this occurs, verify that the Oracle database have been created using a UTF-8 character set.
The Cloudscape environment allows only one JVM process to access the Cloudscape database. While Cloudscape provides Network Server framework to allow multiple users to connect simultaneously, it does not support two-phase commits.
To access or query the Cloudscape database without stopping WebSphere Portal, edit the My Query portlet to configure SQL queries for the Cloudscape database you want to access.
Be sure to enter the correct JDBC driver and Database URL in the portlet fields, as the database user ID. The default Cloudscape values for these fields are as follows:
where db_location is the location of the Cloudscape database and wps50 in the database URL is the default datasource name.
When inserting or updating a LOB (BLOBS and CLOBS) that are greater than 4k, you might receive see exceptions like the following:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
Data size bigger than Max size for this type: xxxx. SQL State = <null>, Error Code = 17,070
This is usually happening if you use an Oracle database and enable session persistence in WebSphere Application Server. Pnstall WebSphere Application Server PQ77056 to solve this problem with the session database.
Use Oracle9i to store WebSphere Portal information about user identities, credentials, and permission for accessing WebSphere Portal resources. When you use Oracle9i in Japanese environment, you might not be able to login to WebSphere Portal with the SQL error ("ORA-01858: a non-numeric character found where a digit was expected"). The problem is caused by date format difference in Japanese environment for SQL command.
If you encounter this problem, look for a WebSphere Portal interim fix at the support site above. When you develop and run a portlet in a WebSphere Portal test environment, you also need to apply the same interim fix.
Problem: Configuration task to drop database fails
on DB2
If the database already exists it will be removed (or dropped) as part
of the install process. This error can occur if the existing database is
in use or locked by another process. You might see the following error:
[exec] DROP DATABASE wpcp50
[exec] SQL1137W The database manager was unable to remove the database
path or some
[exec] of the containers when dropping database "WPCP50". Cleanup is
[exec] Result: 4
Solution: This problem can be solved using one of the following options:
If the configuration task used to validate a database connection (for example, validate-database-connection-wps) is failing and displaying the message "No suitable driver," this indicates that WebSphere Portal is unable to establish the necessary JDBC connection to DB2.
This error can occur if you are attempting to connect to a DB2 database instance that was created with the 64-bit setting. You can verify the bit setting by running the DB2 command db2level. If this has happened, remove the database instance, and create a new one with the 32-bit setting. Although your system might support the creation of 64-bit database instances, WebSphere Application Server does not support a 64-bit configuration.