Appendix A. Sample Web Express Logon plug-in

This sample plug-in illustrates the directions in Create plug-ins for Web Express Logon for creating a Network Security or Credential Mapper plug-in. It uses the CMResponse object to return parameters and status. Use this sample as a guide for creating your own plug-ins. This sample does not retrieve information; it simply returns values that are coded as constants. Your plug-in must add logic to retrieve the needed information.

// CMPIHardCode -- "Hard-code" CM plugin for either NS or CM purposes
//   (insert example-code copyright here)
// 5724-D34
// Product: IBM HATS
// Component: Web Express Logon


import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Enumeration;

public class CMPIHardCode implements CMInterface
  private static final String className = "";

  private static final String KEY_USERID              = "CMPI_HARD_CODE_USERID";
  private static final String KEY_PASSWORD            = "CMPI_HARD_CODE_PASSWORD";
  private static final String KEY_STATUS              = "CMPI_HARD_CODE_STATUS";
  private static final String KEY_TRACE_LEVEL         = "CMPI_HARD_CODE_TRACE_LEVEL";
  private static final int    DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL     = Ras.TRACE_NONE; 

  // Configured parameters to this plugin
  private String userID;          
  private String password;        
  private int    status;          
  private int    traceLevel;  

  private boolean initOK = true;
  private String cmID = null;
  private Properties pInit = null;

  public int Init(Properties p, String id)
    this.pInit = p;
    this.cmID = id;
    this.initOK = true;

    userID          = getProperty(KEY_USERID);
    password        = getProperty(KEY_PASSWORD);
    status          = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(KEY_STATUS));

    String traceStr = getProperty(KEY_TRACE_LEVEL);
    if (traceStr != null)  traceLevel = Integer.parseInt(traceStr);
    else                   traceLevel = DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL;

    return (this.initOK ? SSOConstants.SSO_SUCCESS : SSOConstants.

   *  This sample plugin has no actions to take at destroy time
  public void Destroy()

   * Retrieve the requested credentials here, and return them to Credential Mapper
  public CMResponse CMSGetUserCredentials(CMRequest req)
    // Perform whatever business logic is needed here to assign credentials.
    // This testing sample just returns the plugins configured values.
    CMResponse resp = new CMResponse(userID, password, status);
    return( resp );
   *  Return plugin information to the Studio Web Express Logon Editor
  public String getName() {return "Fixed credentials (for testing)";}
  public String getDescription() {return "Hard-codes returned credentials based on parameters (for testing)";}
  public String getAuthor() {return "IBM Corporation";}

   * Return the list of parameters this plugin uses/allows to the Studio Web Express Logon Editor
  String strParms[] = { KEY_USERID, KEY_PASSWORD, KEY_STATUS };
  public String[] getParameters() {return strParms;}

   * Return information about the requested parameter to the Studio Web Express Logon Editor
  public Properties getParameterInfo(String strParm)
      Properties p = new Properties();

      if( KEY_USERID.equals(strParm) )
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "true");
      else if( KEY_PASSWORD.equals(strParm) )
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "true");
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiEncrypted, "true"); 
      else if( KEY_STATUS.equals(strParm) )
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "true");
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiDefaultValue, Integer.toString(SSOConstants.SSO_SUCCESS));
      else if( KEY_TRACE_LEVEL.equals(strParm) )
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "false");
          p.put(CMInterface.cmiDefaultValue, Integer.toString(DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL));
      return p;

   * Retrieve the parameter value
  private String getProperty(String propName)
      final String methodName = "getProperty";
      if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MAXIMUM)     
        Ras.traceEntry(className, methodName, propName); 
      boolean requiredParm = "true".equals(getParameterInfo(propName).getProperty(CMInterface.cmiRequired));
      boolean encryptedParm = "true".equals(getParameterInfo(propName).getProperty(CMInterface.cmiEncrypted));

      String value = pInit.getProperty(cmID + propName);  // must use cmID prefix !!
      if (value == null || value.trim().equals(""))
        value = pInit.getProperty(propName);
      if ((value == null || value.trim().equals("")) && requiredParm) 
        if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM)
          Ras.logMessage(Ras.MSG_ERROR, className, methodName,
                         "PARAMETER_ERROR", propName);
        initOK = false;
      } else if (encryptedParm)
        value = PasswordCipher.decrypt(value);
      if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MAXIMUM)     
        Ras.traceExit(className, methodName, (encryptedParm ? "********" : value)); 
     return value;

