Working with critical system values before you install software
System values are IBM-supplied objects that can be modified from their shipped value to tailor certain aspects of the i5/OS® operating system to your environment. The software installation program will overlay these objects on your system with values that are supplied on the installation media.
If you have modified any of your system values, record and print these system values before you upgrade. Be sure to check the QSYSLIBL, QUSRLIBL, QALWOBJRST, and QVFYOBJRST system values.
IBM also recommends that you first create a data area to specify your system time zone before you upgrade to V5R4. This data area is used when you upgrade to set the time zone system value. By doing this, the time zone used on the system is set immediately.
- Recording and printing all system values before you install software
IBM recommends that you record or print your system values prior to the i5/OS upgrade.
- Changing certain system values (QSYSLIBL, QUSRLIBL, QALWOBJRST, or QVFYOBJRST)
To ensure that your i5/OS installation runs smoothly, check the system library list (QSYSLIBL), user library list (QUSRLIBL), allow restore of security sensitive objects (QALWOBJRST), and verify object signatures during restore (QVFYOBJRST) system values.
- Optionally changing the scan control system value
If you currently have i5/OS V5R3 or later installed on your system, consider specifying *NOPOSTRST for the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value.
- Creating a data area to specify the system time zone
IBM recommends that you specify the system time zone before you upgrade to a new i5/OS release. This ensures that your system time is set properly as soon as the upgrade is complete.
Parent topic:
Preparing the system for i5/OS software upgrade or replacement