Trace TCP/IP Application (TRCTCPAPP)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Trace TCP/IP Application (TRCTCPAPP) command is used by service personnel when trace information needs to be captured for one of the following TCP/IP applications: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), SMTP server, SMTP client, TELNET/VTAPI, host servers, Distributed Data Management (DDM), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), certificate services, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Quality Of Service (QOS), simple Network Time Protocol (NTP), directory services, HTTP server powered by Apache or packet rules.

Restrictions: To use this command, have either *SERVICE special authority or be authorized to the Service Trace function of i5/OS through iSeries Navigator's Application Administration support. For a given application, there could be only one trace active at a time on the system. The user must have *USE authority to the line, network interface, or network server to be traced.

When the Additional traces (ADLTRC) parameter is specified, have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority or be authorized to the Trace Any User function of i5/OS through iSeries Navigator's Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage (CHGFCNUSG) command, with a function ID of QIBM_ALLOBJ_TRACE_ANY_USER, can also be used to change the list of users that are allowed to perform trace operations.

When the Watched job (WCHJOB) parameter is specified, the issuer of the command must be running under a user profile which is the same as the job user identity of the job being watched, or the issuer of the command must be running under a user profile which has job control (*JOBCTL) special authority. Job control (*JOBCTL) special authority is also required if a generic user name is specified for the Watched job (WCHJOB) parameter.

If you specify a generic user name in the Watched job (WCHJOB) parameter, have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority, or be authorized to the Watch any job function of Operating System through iSeries Navigator's Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage (CHGFCNUSG) command, with a function ID of QIBM_WATCH_ANY_JOB, can also be used to change the list of users that are allowed to start and end watch operations.

You must have operational (*OBJOPR) and execute (*EXECUTE) authorities to the user exit program if specified in Trace program (TRCPGM) parameter, and execute (*EXECUTE) authority to the library where the program is located.

You must have use (*USE) authority to the message queues specified in Watched message queue (WCHMSGQ) parameter, and use (*USE) authority to the library where the message queue is located.

A trace cannot be defined to trace all job names and all users.

Whenever the term host server is seen within this help text, it refers to one of the application host servers: *CENTRAL, *DTAQ, *RMTCMD, *SIGNON, *NETPRT, *SVRMAP or *DATABASE.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
SET Trace option setting *ON, *OFF, *END, *CHK Optional, Positional 2
MAXSTG Maximum storage for trace 1-16000, *APP Optional, Positional 3
TRCFULL Trace full action *WRAP, *STOPTRC Optional, Positional 4
ADLTRC Additional traces Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 11 repetitions): *CMNARB, *CMNTRC, *DEVD, *DEVMGR, *JOB, *SOCKETS, *SRCSINK, *SYSARB, *TCPIP, *USER, *USERDEVD
Optional, Positional 5
TRCPGM Trace program Single values: *NONE
Other values: Qualified object name
Optional, Positional 6
Qualifier 1: Trace program Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
TITLE Trace title Character value, *DFT Optional, Positional 7
USER User profile Simple name Optional, Positional 8
MAILADR Recipient mail address Character value Optional, Positional 9
HOST Recipient host name Character value Optional, Positional 10
RMTNETADR Remote network address Element list Optional, Positional 11
Element 1: Address family *INET
Element 2: IP address Character value
Element 3: Subnet mask Character value, ''
Element 4: Port number 1-65535, *ANY
LCLNETADR Local network address Element list Optional, Positional 12
Element 1: Address family *INET, *UNIX
Element 2: IP address or UNIX path Character value
Element 3: Subnet mask Character value, ''
Element 4: Port number 1-65535, *ANY
DEVD Device description Generic name, name Optional, Positional 13
DEVTYPE Device type Single values: *DSP, *PRT
Other values (up to 6 repetitions): 5251, 5291, 5292, 3196, 3488, 3487, 3179, 3180, 5555, 3477, 3277, 3278, 3279, V100, 3812, 5553
Optional, Positional 14
TRCPNT Trace point Values (up to 12 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 15
ARGLIST Argument list Character value Optional, Positional 16
VPNSVR Virtual private network server Values (up to 2 repetitions): *KEYMGR, *CNNMGR Optional, Positional 17
CERTTYPE Certificate services type *ALL, *DCM, *KEYMGR, *SSL, *OBJSIGN, *OTHER Optional, Positional 18
DNS Domain name service *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 19
PPPCNNPRF PPP connection profile Character value Optional, Positional 20
TCPTRCDTA TCP/IP data to trace *PPPALL, *LCPNCP Optional, Positional 21
QOSTRCTYPE QOS trace type *ALL, *POLICYD, *RSVPD Optional, Positional 22
HTTPSVR HTTP server instance Character value Optional, Positional 23
TRCLVL Trace level *ERROR, *INFO, *VERBOSE Optional, Positional 24
PKTTRCPNT Packet rules trace points *TRAFFIC, *LOAD Optional, Positional 25
CFGOBJ Configuration object Name Optional, Positional 26
CFGTYPE Type *LIN, *NWI, *NWS Optional, Positional 27
WCHMSG Watch for message Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Optional, Positional 28
Element 1: Message identifier Name
Element 2: Comparison data Character value, *NONE
Element 3: Compare against *MSGDTA, *FROMPGM, *TOPGM
WCHMSGQ Watched message queue Values (up to 3 repetitions): Element list Optional, Positional 29
Element 1: Message queue Single values: *SYSOPR, *JOBLOG, *HSTLOG
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Message queue Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL
WCHJOB Watched job Single values: *
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Optional, Positional 30
Element 1: Job name Qualified job name
Qualifier 1: Job name Generic name, name
Qualifier 2: User Generic name, name
Qualifier 3: Number 000001-999999, *ALL
WCHLICLOG Watch for LIC log entry Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Optional, Positional 31
Element 1: Major code Character value, *ALL
Element 2: Minor code Character value, *ALL
Element 3: Comparison data Character value, *NONE
WCHTIMO Length of time to watch 1-43200, *NOMAX Optional, Positional 32
TRCPGMITV Time interval 1-9999, *NONE Optional, Positional 33
JOB Jobs Single values: *
Other values (up to 16 repetitions): Element list
Optional, Positional 34
Element 1: Job name Qualified job name
Qualifier 1: Job name Generic name, name, *ALL
Qualifier 2: User Generic name, name, *ALL
Qualifier 3: Number 000001-999999, *ALL



TCP/IP application (APP)

Specifies the TCP/IP application. This is a required parameter.


Specifies tracing for the central host server.


Specifies tracing for certificate services.


Specifies tracing for the database host server.


Specifies tracing for the Distributed Data Management (DDM) server.


Specifies tracing for directory services.


Specifies tracing for the data queue host server.


Specifies tracing for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.


Specifies tracing for the HTTP server powered by Apache.


Specifies tracing for Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).


Specifies tracing for the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Mail Server Framework (MSF) exit programs.


Specifies tracing for the network print host server.


Specifies tracing for the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client.


Specifies tracing for packet rules (PKTRULES).


Specifies tracing for the Post Office Protocol (POP) server.


Specifies tracing for the Point-to-point protocol (PPP).


Specifies tracing for the Quality Of Service (QOS) server.


Specifies tracing for the remote command host server.


Specifies tracing for the signon host server.


Specifies tracing for the SMTP client job(s) handling outbound mail processing connections.


Specifies tracing for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server job(s) handling inbound mail processing connections.


Specifies tracing for the port mapper host server.


Specifies tracing for the TELNET server.


Specifies tracing for the Virtual Private Network (VPN) server.


Specifies tracing for the virtual terminal application programming interfaces.



Trace option setting (SET)

Specifies whether the collection of trace information starts, stops, or status is presented.


The collection of trace information is started.


The collection of trace information is stopped and the trace information is written to spooled printer files of the user. For PPP traces, the trace files are also included in the OUTQ for the designated PPP profile.


Tracing is ended and all trace information is deleted. No trace information output is created.


The status of tracing for the specified application is checked. Messages are returned indicating whether or not tracing is active for the specified TCP/IP application, the command parameters specified from the last time that TRCTCPAPP was started for this application and other information related to the collection of trace information.



Maximum storage for trace (MAXSTG)

Specifies the maximum amount of storage in kilobytes (K) used for collected trace information.


Each application type defines a default buffer size.

  • *FTP - 4096K bytes per job

  • *SMTPCLT - 4096K bytes per job

  • *SMTPSVR - 4096K bytes per job

  • *TELNET - 16000K bytes per job

  • *VTAPI - 16000K bytes per job

  • *CENTRAL - 16000K bytes per job

  • *RMTCMD - 16000K bytes per job

  • *SIGNON - 16000K bytes per job

  • *DTAQ - 16000K bytes per job

  • *NETPRT - 16000K bytes per job

  • *SVRMAP - 16000K bytes per job

  • *DATABASE - 16000K bytes per job

  • *DDM - 16000K bytes per job

  • *VPN - 16000K bytes per job

  • *PKTRULES - 16000K bytes per job

  • *L2TP - 4096K bytes per job

  • *CERTSRV - 16000K bytes per job

  • *PPP - 4096K bytes per job

  • *QOS - 4096K bytes per job

  • *NTP - 4096K bytes per job

  • *HTTP - 16000K bytes per job

  • *DIRSRV - 300K bytes per job


Specify the maximum amount of storage, in kilobytes, used to store trace records (one kilobyte 1024 bytes).



Trace full action (TRCFULL)

Specifies whether the trace records wrap (replace oldest records with new records) or whether the trace stops when all of the storage specified by the MAXSTG parameter has been used.


When the trace buffer is full, the trace wraps to the beginning. The oldest trace records are written over by new ones as they are collected.


Tracing stops when the trace buffer is full of trace records.



Additional traces (ADLTRC)

Specifies additional trace(s) to be started. When the TRCTCPAPP command is invoked interactively, the user will be prompted for any options to change on each of the selected traces. This parameter is valid for all applications.

Specifying *CMNARB, *DEVD, *DEVMGR, *JOB, *SYSARB, *USER or *USERDEVD is only valid when tracing the *TELNET application.

Single values


No additional trace will be included.

Other values (up to 11 repetitions)


A job-level trace of all communication arbiter jobs will be started. For more information about communication arbiters, use the Search function in the iSeries Information Center at


A communications trace will be included in the trace information for the specified application.

Due to resource limitations of the I/O hardware, multi-connection PPP profiles may not produce trace data for every connection started by the PPP profile.


All jobs associated with the device specified for the Device description (DEVD) parameter will be traced.


All information related with Telnet device management functions will be traced.


All jobs specified in job parameter (JOB) will be traced.


A single Sockets component trace will be included in the trace information for the specified application.


A source/sink component trace will be included in the trace information for the specified application.


A job-level trace of all system arbiter jobs will be started. For more information about system arbiters, use the Search function in the iSeries Information Center at


A single TCP/IP component trace will be included in the trace information for the specified application.


All information related with the user profile parameter (USER) will be traced.


All user jobs associated with the device specified for the Device description (DEVD) parameter will be traced.



Trace program (TRCPGM)

Specifies the name of a program to call for user defined trace commands and procedures. This parameter is valid for all applications.

For SET(*ON), the trace program will be called:

For SET(*OFF), the trace program will be called:

For SET(*END), the trace program will be called:

When the TRCTCPAPP CPP detects an error with the trace program, it will display the TCP4537 diagnostic message. If watch for trace event facility is active, the trace and the watch for trace event facility will be ended, and CPI3999 message will be sent to the system operator message queue with reason code 04.

There are three input parameters and one output parameter associated with the trace program. The four parameters are required:

The possible values for the Trace option setting (SET) parameter are:

The possible values for the "Application" parameter are the same as the values for the APP parameter on the TRCTCPAPP command.

The possible values for the "Error detected" parameter are:

The possible values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *MSGID is specified on "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Offset Type Field

Dec Hex

0 0 BINARY(4) Length of trace information

4 4 CHAR(7) Message ID

11 B CHAR(9) Reserved

20 14 BINARY(4) Offset to comparison data

24 18 BINARY(4) Length of comparison data

* * CHAR(*) Message comparison data

The possible values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *LICLOG or *CMPDATA is specified on "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Offset Type Field

Dec Hex

0 0 BINARY(4) Length of trace information

4 4 CHAR(4) LIC Log major code

8 8 CHAR(4) LIC Log minor code

12 C CHAR(8) LIC Log identifier

20 14 BINARY(4) Offset to comparison data

24 18 BINARY(4) Length of comparison data

* * CHAR(*) LIC log comparison data

The possible values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *ON, *OFF, *END, *INTVAL or *WCHTIMO is specified on "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Offset Type Field

Dec Hex

0 0 BINARY(4) Length of trace information (always 4 at this time).

For more information on the trace exit program interface, refer to the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at

Single values


No user supplied trace program will be called. If a watched for message or Licensed Internal Code (LIC) log entry is added, or if the specified watch time limit is exceeded, the trace function ends.

Qualifier 1: Trace program


Specify the name of the trace program to be called.

Qualifier 2: Library


The library list is used to locate the program.


The current library is used to locate the program. If no library is specified as the current library, the QGPL library is used.


Specify the name of the library where the program is located.



Trace title (TITLE)

Specifies the title that is printed on each page of the spooled file which contains the collected trace information. This parameter is only valid when SET(*OFF) is specified.


The default trace description title "TRCTCPAPP Output" is used.


Specify up to 50 characters to be used as the title on each page of the trace output spooled file.



User profile (USER)

Only trace information associated with a specific user profile will be collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*FTP) is specified, or when APP(*TELNET) and ADLTRC(*USER) are specified.


Specify the name of the user profile for which trace information is to be collected.



Recipient mail address (MAILADR)

Only trace information associated with a specific recipient mail address will be collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*SMTPSVR) or APP(*SMTPCLT) is specified.


The recipient mail address (up to 255 characters) must have the following format: ''



Recipient host name (HOST)

Only trace information associated with a specific recipient host name will be collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*SMTPCLT) is specified.


Specify the recipient host name (up to 255 characters). The name must have the following format: ''



Remote network address (RMTNETADR)

The user may limit the amount of information collected by entering an address family, remote TCP/IP address, subnet mask and port number. This parameter is only valid when APP(*FTP), APP(*SMTPSVR), APP(*DDM), APP(host server), APP(*TELNET), APP(*VTAPI) or APP(*L2TP) is specified.

The only valid filter for L2TP is the IP address element.

Element 1: Address family


The filter for AF_INET address family.

Element 2: IP address


Specify the remote TCP/IP address for which trace information is to be collected.

Element 3: Subnet mask

Tracing will be done for only the IP address specified as the second element of this parameter.


Specify the subnet mask for which trace information is to be collected.

Element 4: Port number


The TCP/IP port number defaults to *ANY which implies traffic associated with any port on the remote system (and qualified by the IP address and subnet mask) will be traced.


Specify the port number to be used. If a number is specified, a subnet mask value must also be specified.



Local network address (LCLNETADR)

The user may limit the amount of information collected by entering an address family, local TCP/IP address, subnet mask and port number. This parameter is only valid when APP(*DDM), APP(host server), APP(*TELNET) or APP(*VTAPI) is specified.

Element 1: Address family


The filter for AF_INET address family.


The filter for AF_UNIX address family. Note that *UNIX is a valid choice for only APP(*DDM) or APP(host server).

Element 2: IP address or UNIX path


When *INET is specified for element 1 of this parameter, specify the local TCP/IP address for which trace information is to be collected.

When *UNIX is specified for element 1 of this parameter, specify the UNIX path for which trace information is to be collected. Note that an UNIX-path can be entered for only APP(*DDM) or APP(host server).

Element 3: Subnet mask

Tracing will be done for only the IP address specified as the second element of this parameter.


Specify the subnet mask for which trace information is to be collected.

Element 4: Port number


The TCP/IP port number defaults to *ANY which implies traffic associated with any port on the local system (and qualified by the IP address and subnet mask) will be traced.


Specify the port number to be used. If a number is specified, a subnet mask value must also be specified.



Device description (DEVD)

The user may limit the amount of information collected by entering a device description name. Once the device description is associated with a given TELNET or VTAPI session, all trace information associated with it will be collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*TELNET) or APP(*VTAPI) is specified.


Specify the name of a device description for which trace information is to be collected.


Specify a generic name for device descriptions for which trace information is to be collected. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, CMN*. If a generic name is specified, then all device descriptions with names that begin with the generic name, and for which the user has authority, will have trace information collected.



Device type (DEVTYPE)

One or more valid device types may be specified. Only the trace information associated with activity for those devices will be traced. If *DSP or *PRT is specified, no other values may be entered for this parameter. This parameter is only valid when APP(*TELNET) or APP(*VTAPI) is specified.


The information collected is only for display device types.


The information collected is only for printer device types.


The information collected is only for the specified device types. Up to six types may be specified. The valid types include: 5251, 5291, 5292, 3196, 3488, 3487, 3179, 3180, 5555, 3477, 3277, 3278, 3279, V100, 3812 and 5553.



Trace point (TRCPNT)

You can limit the trace points that are placed in the trace buffer by entering the list of those trace points for this parameter. Up to 12 trace points may be specified. This parameter is only valid when APP(*TELNET), APP(*VTAPI), APP(*DDM) or APP(host server) is specified.


Specify the trace point identifier. Each trace point identifier may be up to 8 characters.

For TELNET/VTAPI trace points, specify 'TG#xxxxx', 'TG+xxxxx' or 'TG-xxxxx' where 'xxxxx' defines the specific trace point. The following TELNET/VTAPI trace points can also be specified: TGTELM, TGTELO, TGEXCP, TGREQPO, TGRIO, TGRPO, TGUTIL, TGVTERM, TGVTIN, TGVTINI, TGVTM or TGVTOUT.

For host/DDM server trace points, specify 'Qcccxxxx' where 'ccc' is the component ID of the host/DDM server and 'xxxx' defines the specific trace point.



Argument list (ARGLIST)

Only trace information associated with this specific argument list will be included in the trace information collected. The argument list contains data like the debug level and special trace requests. This parameter is only valid when APP(*VPN), APP(*QOS), APP(*PKTRULES), APP(*PPP) or APP(*DIRSRV) is specified.


Specify the argument list (up to 255 characters).

QOS allows the following argument list values:


The lvl=1 argument logs errors that are associated with system operations. One example might be that the system is out of memory. The result of these types of errors is that the QoS server will not be able to run.


The lvl=2 argument includes all lvl=1 information. In addition, the lvl=2 argument logs internal errors identified with the operation of the QOS server. The usual cause of these types of errors is that unexpected errors have been encountered in a server operation. A lvl=2 error is considered a condition for an APAR.


The lvl=3 argument includes all lvl=1 and lvl=2 information. In addition, the lvl=3 argument logs the basic operational activities of the QoS server. Examples might be the loading of rules or the sending of a STRTCPSVR SERVER(*QOS) RESTART(*QOS) command.


The lvl=4 argument includes all lvl=1, lvl=2 and lvl=3 information. In addition, the lvl=4 argument logs all traced activities of the QoS server.



Virtual private network server (VPNSVR)

Specifies whether the trace information is to be collected for the VPN key manager or the VPN connection manager. If no value is specified for this parameter, trace information is to be collected for both the VPN key manager and the VPN connection manager. This parameter is only valid when APP(*VPN) is specified.


Filtering of trace information is done to include the VPN key manager.


Filtering of trace information is done to include the VPN connection manager.



Certificate services type (CERTTYPE)

Only trace information associated with a specific certificate services type will be included in the captured trace information. This parameter is only valid when APP(*CERTSRV) is specified.


No filtering of trace information is done for certificate services type.


Filtering of trace information is done to include only the DCM certificate services type.


Filtering of trace information is done to include only the VPN key manager certificate services type.


Filtering of trace information is done to include only the SSL certificate services type.


Filtering of trace information is done to include only the OBJSIGN certificate services type.


Filtering of trace information is done to include only a certificate services type not listed above.



Domain name service (DNS)

Specifies whether only trace information associated with domain name service (DNS) resolution will be collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*SMTPCLT) is specified.


No filtering of trace information is done for DNS resolution.


Trace information includes only trace points associated with DNS resolution.



PPP connection profile (PPPCNNPRF)

Trace information associated with a specific PPP connection profile will be collected. The default trace information provided is one joblog and one connection dialog spooled file (containing the PPP dialog trace) for each connection started by the PPP connection profile, one copy of the PPP profile settings, and one copy of the line description used by the profile. When selected by the user there could also be one SRCSINK component trace per connection, one Communications trace per connection and a single TCPIP component trace. This parameter is required when APP(*PPP) is specified.


Specify the PPP connection profile for which trace information is to be collected.



TCP/IP data to trace (TCPTRCDTA)

Specifies what additional data will be collected when ADLTRC(*TCPIP) is selected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*PPP) is specified. If APP(*PPP) is specified and ADLTRC(*TCPIP) is not specified, this parameter will be ignored.


All data on the PPP connection will be traced.


Only LCP and NCP data on the PPP connection will be traced.



QOS trace type (QOSTRCTYPE)

Only trace information associated with a specific QOS trace type will be included in the trace information collected. This parameter is only valid when APP(*QOS) is specified.


Filtering of trace information is done to include both servers.


Filtering of trace information is done to include the QOS policy server.


Filtering of trace information is done to include the RSVP (Resource reSerVation Protocol) server.



HTTP server instance (HTTPSVR)

This parameter will determine which HTTP server instance to trace. It is only valid and required when APP(*HTTP) is specified.



Trace level (TRCLVL)

Specifies the level of granularity of the service trace. This parameter is only valid when APP(*HTTP) is specified.


The service trace will contain trace records for all error return codes or exception conditions.


The service trace will contain *ERROR level trace records as well as trace records for entry and exit points from application level APIs and API parameters.


The service trace will contain *INFO level trace records as well as trace records for debugging control flow or data corruption.



Packet rules trace points (PKTTRCPNT)

Specifies a keyword that represents trace point values which will be displayed when the Trace Internal (TRCINT) panel is displayed. This parameter is only valid when APP(*PKTRULES) and ADLTRC(*TCPIP) are specified.


The following trace points for packet filter evaluation will be displayed on the Trace Internal panel: 8110-8111, 8120-8123 and 8420.


The following trace points for the audit and load of rules will be displayed on the Trace Internal panel: 8100-8105 and 8430-8438.



Configuration object (CFGOBJ)

Specifies the configuration object to trace. The object can be either a line description, a network interface description, or a network server description. This parameter is only valid when ADLTRC(*CMNTRC) is specified.


Specify the name of the configuration object to be traced.




Specifies the type of configuration description to trace. This parameter is only valid when ADLTRC(*CMNTRC) is specified.


The type of configuration object is a line description.


The type of configuration object is a network interface description.


The type of configuration object is a network server description.



Watch for message (WCHMSG)

Specifies up to five message identifiers which are to be watched for. If a value other than *NONE is specified, specify where to watch for the message on the WCHMSGQ parameter. When the watched for message is added to the specified message queue or log, the trace exit program is called; if no trace exit program is defined, the trace stops.

Single values


No messages will be watched for.

Element 1: Message identifier


Specify the 7-character message identifier to be watched for.

Element 2: Comparison data

Specify comparison data to be used if a message matching the specified message ID is added to the specified message queue or log. If the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" includes the specified text, the watched for condition is true. If the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" does not contain the specified text, the trace function continues.


No comparison data is specified. If a message matching the specified message ID is added to the specified message queue or log, the watched for condition is true.


Specify the text string used to compare against the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" of the watched for message. This text is case sensitive and can be quoted in order to specify imbedded or trailing blanks.

Element 3: Compare against

Specify which part of the message the comparison data specified for element 2 is to be compared against.


The comparison data will be compared against the message replacement data.


The comparison data will be compared against the name of the program sending the message, or the name of the ILE program that contains the procedure sending the message.


The comparison data will be compared against the name of the program the message was sent to, or the name of the ILE program that contains the procedure the message was sent to.



Watched message queue (WCHMSGQ)

Specifies where to watch for the message identifiers specified for the Watch for message (WCHMSG) parameter. You can specify to watch the message being added to the system operator message queue, the history log, other message queues, and job logs. Up to three message queues or special values can be specified.

Element 1: Message queue

Single values


Watch messages added to the system operator message queue (QSYSOPR message queue in library QSYS).


Watch messages added to the history log QHST.


Watch messages added to the job logs of jobs specified by the WCHJOB parameter.

Qualifier 1: Message queue


Specify the name of the message queue to watch.

Qualifier 2: Library


All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.


Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located.



Watched job (WCHJOB)

Specifies the job whose job log is watched for the messages specified on the WCHMSG parameter. The specified job will only be watched if *JOBLOG is specified on the WCHMSGQ parameter. Up to five job names may be specified.

Single values


Only the job log of the job that issued this trace command is watched.

Element 1: Job name

Qualifier 1: Job name


Specify the generic name of the job to be watched. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic job name specifies all jobs with job names that begin with the generic prefix.


Specify the name of the job to be watched.

Qualifier 2: User


Specify the generic name of the user name of the job to be watched. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic user name specifies all jobs with the specified job name and with user names that begin with the generic prefix.


Specify the name of the user of the job to be watched.

Qualifier 3: Number


All jobs with the specified job name and user name are watched.


Specify the job number to further qualify the job name and user name. You cannot specify a job number if a generic job name or a generic user name qualifier is specified.



Watch for LIC log entry (WCHLICLOG)

Specifies up to five Licensed Internal Code (LIC) log entry identifiers which are to be watched for. Each LIC log entry contains a major and a minor code. The watched for condition will be met if a LIC log entry is added that matches the specified major and minor codes and any comparison data specified. When the watched for log entry is added to the LIC log, the trace exit program is called, even when the comparison data specified does not match; if no trace exit program is defined, the trace stops.

Single values


No LIC log entries will be watched for.

Element 1: Major code


Any LIC log entry major code will be considered to be a match. If *ALL is specified for the major code, you cannot specify *ALL for the LIC log entry minor code.


Specify the LIC log major code to be watched for. You can specify either a hexadecimal digit or a question mark for each character in the four-digit code. A question mark is a wildcard character that will match any digit in that position. Up to three wildcard characters can be specified.

Element 2: Minor code


Any LIC log entry minor code will be considered to be a match. If *ALL is specified for the minor code, you cannot specify *ALL for the LIC log entry major code.


Specify the LIC log minor code to be watched for. You can specify either a hexadecimal digit or a question mark for each character in the four-digit code. A question mark is a wildcard character that will match any digit in that position. Up to three wildcard characters can be specified.

Element 3: Comparison data

Specify comparison data to be used if a log entry matching the specified major and minor codes is added to the Licensed Internal Code (LIC) log. If this text is found in the LIC log entry data fields of the watched for log entry, the watched for condition is true. If this text is not found in the LIC log entry data fields of the watched for log entry and no exit program is specified on the TRCPGM parameter, the trace function continues. If the log entry matches the specified major and minor codes and an exit program is specified on the TRCPGM parameter, but the entry data does not contain the specified text, the exit program is called to determine if the trace should continue or stop.


No comparison data is specified. If a LIC log entry matching the specified major and minor codes is added to the LIC log, the watched for condition is true.


Specify the text string used to compare against the entry data of the watched for log entry. If this text is found in the LIC log entry data fields compared of a watched for log entry, the watch condition is considered to be true. This text is case sensitive. The LIC log fields which can be compared are TDE number, task name, server type, job name, user ID, job number, thread ID, exception ID, LIC module compile binary timestamp, LIC module offset, LIC module RU name, LIC module name, LIC module entry point name. The comparison data cannot be used to match across two fields, and can match an entire field or a substring of any field.

When watching for an exception ID, all four hexadecimal digits of the exception ID must be specified. Also, the prefix MCH may be specified if you want to compare only against the exception ID field and avoid possible substring matches with the other fields.



Length of time to watch (WCHTIMO)

Specifies the time limit, in minutes, for watching for a message or a Licensed Internal Code (LIC) log entry. When the specified amount of time has elapsed, the trace exit program is called (if one was specified on the TRCPGM parameter), the trace is ended, and message CPI3999 is sent to the system operator message queue.


There is no time limit for watching for a particular message or LIC log entry.


Specify the number of minutes that the trace will be active while none of the watched for conditions have been met. You can specify up to 43200 minutes (30 days).



Time interval (TRCPGMITV)

Specifies how often the trace exit program will be called.


No time interval is specified. The trace exit program will not be called because a time interval has elapsed.


Specify the interval of time, in seconds, of how often the trace exit program will be called. This must be less than the amount of time specified for the Length of time to watch (WCHTIMO) parameter.



Job name (JOB)

Specifies which jobs are to be traced. This parameter is only valid when APP(*TELNET) and ADLTRC(*JOB) are specified.

Single values


Only the job that issues the TRCTCPAPP (Trace TCP/IP application) command is to be traced.

Element : Job name

Qualifier 1: Job name


Specify the generic name of the jobs to be traced. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic job name specifies all jobs with job names that begin with the generic prefix.


All jobs names with the specified job user name are traced. *ALL for the job name is considered to be a generic job specification because it will trace all jobs that meet the job user name qualifiers that you specified.


Specify the name of the job to be traced. Up to sixteen job names may be specified.

Qualifier 2: User


Specify the generic user name of the jobs from which trace records are to be collected. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic user name specifies all jobs with user names that begin with the generic prefix.


All job user name with the specified job name are traced. *ALL for the job user name is considered to be a generic job specification because it will trace all jobs that meet the job name qualifiers that you specified.


Specify the user name of the job to be traced.

Qualifier 3: Number


All jobs with the specified job name and user name are traced. *ALL for the job number is considered to be a generic job specification because it will trace all jobs that meet the job name and job user name qualifiers that you specified.


Specify the job number to further qualify the job name and user name. You cannot specify a job number if a generic job name qualifier or generic user name qualifier is specified.




Example 1: Starting Trace for Database

            LCLNETADR(*INET                       ''                       '' 8471)

This command will start tracing for the database host server. Tracing information associated with the AF_INET address family, a local TCP/IP address of, a subnet mask of, port number of 8471 and trace points of QZDA1050 and QZDA1060 will be collected. A communication trace will be included in the trace information. TESTLIN is the name of the configuration object to trace. This object is a line (*LIN) description. Trace program PROG1 in library PGMLIB, with its user-defined trace commands and procedures, will be called. Tracing for the other TCP applications is not affected.

Example 2: Check Status of Database Tracing


This command is used to check the status of the tracing for the database host server job. Assume that the last command entered was from "Example 1" above. The format of the response to this command would be a set of messages that would look similar to the following:

                  TRCPNT(QZDA1050 QZDA1060)
                  LCLNETADR(*INET ''                             '' 8471)
TCP45B1 Tracing active for *DATABASE at 20:15:14 on 03/15/01 by         043432/TRCUSER/QPADEV000B.
TCP45B2 Data capture begun for *DATABASE.
TCP45B3 Data buffer wrapped for *DATABASE.

Example 3: Ending Database Connection Tracing


This command first ends any currently active application trace for the database host server, followed by ending the TCP/IP component trace. If tracing was active, output trace records are formatted and placed into a spool file. A similar message will be found in the user's joblog:

 TCP45B8 Trace data for application DATABASE formatted: QZDA001915.

If tracing is not active, then the following message will be returned to the user:

 TCP4580 Tracing off, SET(*OFF) not valid.

Example 4: Starting Trace for Packet Rules

            ARGLIST('DebugLvl=1 TraceLvl=2')

This command will start tracing for packet rules. Tracing information associated with the specific argument list will be collected. A component trace will be included in the trace information, using trace points of 8100-8105 and 8430-8438. Tracing for the other TCP applications is not affected.

Example 5: Starting Trace for FTP

            RMTNETADR(*INET '' '' 5)

This command will start tracing for the FTP server. Tracing information associated with the AF_INET address family, a remote TCP/IP address of, a subnet mask of and port number of 5 will be collected. Tracing for the other TCP applications is not affected.

Example 6: Starting Trace for TELNET


This command will start tracing for the TELNET server. Trace information will be collected for all device descriptions with names that begin with "QPADEV". The user must have authority to these specific device descriptions. Tracing for the other TCP applications is not affected.

Example 7: Starting Trace for Analyzing a Device Problem

          JOB((*ALL/*ALL/MYSBS1) (*ALL/*ALL/MYSBS2))

This command will trace all the jobs that will be associated with the device description MYDEVICE, which is encountering a device problem. The command will start tracing for the TELNET server. Trace information is collected for all user jobs associated with device description MYDEVICE. Trace information is collected for the TELNET device manager jobs. Trace information is collected for all jobs that were supplied in the JOB parameter. In this example, all jobs with the name MYSBS1 and MYSBS2 will be traced, where MYSBS1 is the subsystem that displays the sign on screen for interactive device sessions and MYSBS2 is the subsystem jobs transfer to when a user signs on. Trace information is also collected for the system jobs that interact with display devices, which are all the QCMNARB and QSYSARB system jobs.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages


Trace not started.
