Take a survey using IBM Survey Creator V1.0


Provides information on how to take and submit a survey using the IBM® Survey Creator application.

IBM Survey Creator allows users to take and submit surveys using forms created by survey owners. Each survey taken and submitted by a user has its results saved to a DB2® UDB for iSeries™. Survey takers access the survey through a URL sent through e-mail or on a Web site by survey owners.

Before you can submit your survey answers, answer all of the required questions. Questions marked with an * are required.

To take a survey using the IBM Survey Creator application, perform these steps:

  1. Click the link or paste in your Web browser the survey URL that was sent to you by the survey owner.

  2. Login if prompted.

  3. Answer the questions on the survey form.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. A successful confirmation page is displayed.


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IBM Survey Creator V1.0