Setting up a tape device file
To create the tape device files, you can use the Create Tape File (CRTTAPF) command. Tape device files describe how a device presents input data to a program, or how a program presents output data to a device. Do not confuse tape device files with the actual data files on the tape volumes. For processing volumes which contain data files, the tape device files provide a link between the application program and the tape device.
- Creating tape device file
Here is an example of how to create a tape device file.
- Specifying tape device file parameters
You can read this information to understand the parameters for the Create Tape File (CRTTAPF), Change Tape File (CHGTAPF), and Override with Tape File (OVRTAPF) commands.
Parent topic:
Accessing data from a tape device
Related concepts
Create Tape File (CRTTAPF) command