Working with OptiConnect activity (WRKOPCACT)


To gather information about database transactions, fiber-optic bus activity, and the connection status of client and server systems, use the Work with OptiConnect Activity (WRKOPCACT) command.

To show the Work with OptiConnect Activity display, enter WRKOPCACT. When you run this command, three views of the Work with OptiConnect Activity display are available.

Figure 1. Work with OptiConnect Activity display
                         Work with OptiConnect Activity                                                              System:   SYSTEMA  Collection Start Time  . . . . . . . . :   15:03:46  Collection End Time  . . . . . . . . . :   15:54:56  Collection Elapsed Time  . . . . . . . :   00:51:10  
 Type options, press Enter.
   1=Vary on   2=Vary off  
     System           Total   Trans    Data   Data   %     Connection  Opt    Resource      Trans   /Sec     Count  Rate  Used   Status      SYSTEMB          8       0        4      1     0      Varied on         SOC13                          2      1     0      Active   
        SOC02                          2      0     0      Active      SYSTEMC          0       0        1      0     0      Active         SOC08                          1      0     0      Varied on         SOC10                          0      0     0      Active      SYSTEMD          3       0        3      0     0      Varied on         SOC07                          1      0     0      Active 
        SOC04                          2      0     0      Active   
     Totals           11      0        8      1     0                                                                    Bottom  F3=Exit     F5=Refresh   F13=Reset   F11=Client statistics view   F12=Cancel  F14=Jobs and tasks
Figure 1 shows the Work with OptiConnect Activity display from the perspective of an application system. The display shows the connection status and total transactions between the system that issued the command and the other systems in the OptiConnect network.

The activity is broken down by individual OptiConnect adapters for each system and defined over the collection period. The collection period is shown at the top of the display. To reset the collection data on this display, press F13 (Reset). You can also use the option to vary on or vary off the systems or resources.

Press F11 (Client statistics view) to show this system's activity as a client. Press F11 again to show this system's activity as a server.

Press F14 (Jobs and tasks) to see a list of OptiConnect jobs and tasks. OptiConnect jobs and tasks have one or more OptiConnect conversations attached. The initial prompt panel, shown in Figure 2, allows the division of jobs and systems into subsets. If any of the input character strings are ended with an '*', the '*' are treated as a wildcard.

Figure 2. Work with OptiConnect Jobs display
                           Work with OptiConnect Jobs                  SYSTEMA  
                                                             00/00/00  00:00:00 
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
   Job name  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *ALL              Name, generic*, *ALL 
     Job user  . . . . . . . . . . . .     *ALL            Name, generic*, *ALL 
   Remote job name . . . . . . . . . .   *ALL              Name, generic*, *ALL 
     Remote job user . . . . . . . . .     *ALL            Name, generic*, *ALL 
   Remote system . . . . . . . . . . .   *ALL              System, generic*,    

After you enter the selection information and press Enter, the Work with OptiConnect Jobs and Tasks display shows the following information:

  • Local job

    The name of the job or task that exists on the system where you run the WRKOPCACT command.

  • Local user

    The user of the local job. This field is blank if the entry is a task.

  • Remote job

    The name of the job or task that exists on the remote system.

  • Remote user

    The user of the remote job.

  • Remote number

    The job number of the remote job.

  • Remote system

    The system where the remote job or task exists.

To select an option, enter the option number in the Opt column and press Enter. The function associated with the selected option is then performed for each of the selected jobs. For more information about the options available, move the cursor to the Opt column and press Help. The options are not available for tasks.

You can enter an option next to one or more jobs.

You can select the following options:

  • Option 5 (Work with job)

    Use this option to display the Work with Job (WRKJOB) menu. You can use the WRKJOB menu to end the local job and, consequently, the remote job as well. While the jobs are ending, the path status shows close pending (CLSPND). If you press F13 (Reset) after both jobs have ended, the job entry is removed from the list.

  • Option 9 (End remote job)

    Use this option to run the End Job (ENDJOB) command on the remote system. When the remote job is ended, the path status shows close pending (CLSPND). Local and remote job names remain in the job list entry until the local job is ended or distributed data management (DDM) conversations are reclaimed. You can reclaim these conversations using the Reclaim DDM Conversations (RCLDDMCNV) command. If you the RCLDDMCNV command, the local job will not be ended, but it will be removed from the list after it is refreshed. At this point, it is no longer considered to be an OptiConnect job, although it is still available for other work.

If you press F11 (Display statistics view), the Work with OptiConnect Jobs and Tasks display shows the following information:

  • Path status

    BUSY: The job or task has at least one OptiConnect transaction that has not been completed.

    IDLE: There is no OptiConnect transactions in queue, and the job or task is not doing any OptiConnect communications work.

    CLSPND: An OptiConnect close path is pending, and the path or conversation is in the process of closing down.

    LBUSY: At least one transaction has not been completed, and it has been in queue for one second or more.

  • Transaction count

    The total number of OptiConnect requests that have been initiated since the last WRKOPCACT restarting. The transaction count is expressed in individual transactions and has been accumulated since either the last time OptiConnect was started or the last time the job and task data collection were reset.

  • Response time

    The total time, in seconds, waiting for OptiConnect transactions to be completed, divided by the completed transaction count. The completed transaction count is the previously defined transaction count if idle, or is the transaction count minus one if busy. Response time is an average that has been measured since either the last time OptiConnect was started or the last time the job and task data collection were reset.

  • Data count

    The data that is transferred by the job or task in KB. This figure has been accumulated since either the last time OptiConnect was started or the last time the job and task data collection were reset.

If you have requested one or more remote jobs to end and you press F4 (Prompt), the End Remote OptiConnect Job (OPCJRCF) display is shown for each job. Otherwise, the Confirm End of Remote OptiConnect Jobs (OPCECNF) display is shown for a single confirmation.


Parent topic:

Getting information about OptiConnect activity