Reloading the mode table


You can change and reload the mode table without ending and restarting the QSOC subsystem.

To do this, run the following command:



  • A default user of *NONE cannot be changed to any other value. A default user of any other value cannot be changed to *NONE.

  • If a job prestarts or available agent job counts are decreased, available jobs will not be ended. However, the job counts will come down because the jobs are used up by new DDM connections.

  • If the new table has an incorrect entry that prevents jobs from starting and INIJOB and MINJOB are both zero, complete these tasks:

    1. Fix the error in the table. Change the INIJOB value to a nonzero value and reload the table.

    2. Change the INIJOB value back to zero and reload the table again (this does not work if the DFTUSER value is *NONE because no prestart jobs can start.).


Parent topic:

Advanced OptiConnect customization