HSL OptiConnect
High-speed link (HSL) is a hardware connectivity architecture that links system processors to system I/O buses and other systems. HSL OptiConnect is a high-speed physical connection that uses an HSL OptiConnect loop.
HSL OptiConnect can refer to the OptiConnect feature that provides high-speed connectivity between two or three systems through an HSL OptiConnect loop. HSL OptiConnect can also refer to the HSL loop technology that is used to connect two or three systems together in a single loop. Each system can have one or more logical partitions participating in the OptiConnect network.
Although each HSL OptiConnect loop is limited to three systems, OptiConnect software supports multiple HSL OptiConnect loops between systems, providing loop redundancy in addition to the hardware redundancy provided in each HSL loop.
Any logical partition on the system can participate in an HSL OptiConnect loop without additional cost.
The following figure shows two systems that are connected through an HSL OptiConnect loop. When OptiConnect software is installed and running, a high-speed system-to-system connection is maintained. Two systems can have more than one HSL loop that connects them together, provided that the server model supports more than one HSL OptiConnect loop.
Figure 1. HSL OptiConnectSystems and expansion units can have HSL or HSL-2 cable ports, depending on the model. Both types of cable ports are supported on an HSL loop or HSL OptiConnect loop by using an HSL to HSL-2 cable.
HSL OptiConnect loops also support HSL fiber-optic cables. This technology is offered on some models. The entire HSL OptiConnect loop must use fiber-optic cables.
The following figure shows a three-system HSL OptiConnect loop. All systems in a three-system HSL OptiConnect loop must be at the minimum operating system release level of the most current hardware.
Figure 2. Three-system HSL OptiConnect loop
Parent topic:
OptiConnect hardwareRelated tasks
Activating logical partitions for HSL OptiConnectRelated information
High Availability and Clusters Web site