This topic provides information on starting the Administration instance. The Administration instance of the HTTP Server must be running on your system in order to connect to the iSeries™ Navigator tasks on the Web interface.
Before you begin working with iSeries Navigator functions from an Internet Web browser, the Administration instance of the HTTP Server must be running on your system. Check to see if you can connect to the 2001 port by visiting the following URL from a Web browser, where hostA is the system name:
If you can connect to the 2001 port on your system and view the System i™ Tasks page, then the Administration instance is already running and you can begin configuring security.
If you cannot connect to the 2001 port, start the HTTP Server Administration instance on your system by performing the following steps:
Start the HTTP Server Administration instance
You can also use the CL command STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) to start the HTTP Server Administration instance.