Saving security information
This topic presents an overview of how you save and restore security information.
When you plan the backup and recovery of your system, you need to consider the security of your information as well as the information itself. See the Information Center topic, Backup, Recovery, and Availability to help you design a complete backup and recovery plan. The following topics describe how you back up and restore the security information that you create when you set up security:
- Saving system values
This topic describes the task, save system values, explains why it is important, and provides step-by-step instructions.
- Saving group and user profiles
Group and user profiles are stored in the QSYS library. You save them when you use the Save System (SAVSYS) command or select the menu option to save the entire system.
- Saving job descriptions
When you create a job description, you specify a library where it should reside. IBM recommends creating job descriptions into the QGPL library.
- Saving resource security information
Resource security, which defines how users can work with objects, consists of different types of information that is stored in several different places:
- Saving the default owner profile (QDFTOWN)
If you restore an object and the owner profile is not on the system, the system transfers ownership of the object to a default profile that is called QDFTOWN.
Parent topic:
Managing security
Related concepts
User security