Creating digital certificate for System B


Use this procedure to create digital certificate for System B.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Create Certificate and select Server or client certificate for another iSeries.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. On the Create Server or Client Certificate for another iSeries™ page, select V5R3. This is the release level for System B. Click Continue.

  4. On the Create a Server or Client Certificate page, enter the following information:

  5. Click Continue. You will receive a confirmation message verifying that a server certificate has been created on System A for System B. As the administrator of the network for the branch sales office, you send these files to the administrator at the corporate office through encrypted e-mail. The administrator at the corporate office must now move and rename the certificate store (.KDB) file and the request (.RDB) file to System B. The administrator at the corporate office will need to move these files to the /QIBM/USERDATA/ICSS/CERT/SERVER directory in the integrated file system using binary FTP. After that is completed, the administrator must rename these files in the appropriate directory.


Parent topic:

Setting up certificate authority with Digital Certificate Manager
Previous topic: Configuring System A as a certificate authority