Configuring L2TP terminator profile for System A


If you want to configure the remote connections to remote workstations, you need to set up System A to accept inbound connections from these clients.

To configure a Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) terminator profile for System A...

  1. From iSeries™ Navigator, expand System A > Network > Remote Access Services.

  2. Right-click Receiver Connection Profiles to set the System A as a server that allows incoming connections from remote users, and select New Profile.

  3. Select the following options on the Setup page:

  4. Click OK. This will launch the New Point-to-Point Profile Properties page.

  5. On the General tab, complete the following fields:

  6. On the Connection tab, select for the Local tunnel endpoint IP address.

    IP addresses used in this scenario are meant for example purposes only. They do not reflect an IP addressing scheme and should not be used in any actual configuration. Use your own IP addresses when completing these tasks.

  7. Select MYCOL2TP as the Virtual line name. This will launch the New L2TP Properties page.

  8. On the Authentication page, enter systema as the host name. Click OK. This will return you to the Connection page.

  9. On the Connection page, select the following options and enter 25 as the Maximum number of connections.

    1. Click the Authentication tab and select Require this iSeries server to verify the identity of the remote system.

    2. Select Authenticate locally with validation list.

    3. Enter QL2TP in Validation list name field, and click New.

  10. On the Validation list page, select Add.

  11. Add user names and passwords for each of your remote employees. Click OK.

  12. On the Password confirmation page, re-enter the password for each remote employees. Click OK.

  13. On the TCP/IP Setting page, select for Local IP address.

  14. In the IP address assignment method field, select Address pool.

  15. In the Starting IP address field, enter and 49 for the Number of addresses.

  16. Select Allow remote system to access other networks (IP forwarding). Click OK.


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Configuring VPN connection to remote users
Previous topic: Completing planning worksheets for VPN connection from the branch office to remote sales people