Obtaining preventive service planning information
You can obtain i5/OS® preventive service planning (PSP) information by using any of these methods.
- Obtain PSP information on the Web
PSP information is at the Support for System i Web site. The PSP information is under the Technical Databases category.
- Order PSP information with scheduled cumulative PTF packages
Cumulative PTF packages are released on a scheduled basis for those users who want to install fixes for preventive purposes, in other words, to minimize potential problems. If you choose to order and install the cumulative PTF package on a regular basis, the recommended time is that you do it on a quarterly basis. To order PSP information that is associated with the current cumulative PTF package, use the following commands:
For licensed programs: Enter SNDPTFORD SF98vrm
The vrm indicates the version, release, and modification level. For version 5 release 4 modification 0, use 540. You can also use the following:
For Licensed Internal Code: SNDPTFORD MF98vrm
PSP document Command to order PTF V5R2M0 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98070 V5R3M0 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98080 V5R4M0 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98010 The letters vrm indicate the version, release, and modification level. For version 5 release 4 modification 0, use 540.
- Obtain PSP information by using electronic customer support
You can download PSP information to your system using electronic customer support.
- Obtain PSP information from your software service provider
If you do not have access to the Internet and do not have electronic customer support on your system, contact your software service provider for the latest PSP information.
Parent topic:
Preventive service planning information