Advanced fix installation: Applying fixes during attended IPL


To temporarily or permanently install both delayed and immediate i5/OS® fixes during an attended IPL, follow these procedures.

You can temporarily or permanently install both delayed and immediate fixes that have a status of Not applied during an attended IPL.

To temporarily install a delayed fix, you only need to do one IPL. To permanently install a delayed fix after it has been applied temporarily and tested, you need to do another IPL.

Before you start: Send a message to users notifying them to sign off the system.

To temporarily or permanently install a fix during an attended IPL:

  1. Switch the system unit to the Manual mode. If you are temporarily installing delayed Licensed Internal Code fixes, select storage area A. Immediate Licensed Internal Code fixes can be installed when you do an IPL to storage area B. If you are permanently installing Licensed Internal Code fixes, select storage area B.

  2. Type:
    where x is your storage area, on any command line and press Enter.

  3. Select option 1 (Perform an IPL) on the IPL or Install the System display.

  4. Type your user ID and password on the Sign On display.
  5. On the Select Products to Work with PTFs display, select the licensed program for which you want to install the fix.

    • If fixes are not applied or are temporarily applied, the Work with PTFs display is shown. This display is used to install and remove fixes and shows the current status of each fix that you can work with.

    • If you want to keep the same status for any of the fixes displayed, leave the Opt column empty.

    • Fixes that are not installed can be either temporarily installed using option 1 or permanently removed using option 4.

    • Fixes that are temporarily installed can be either permanently installed using option 2 or temporarily removed using option 3.

    For an explanation of permanently removed and temporarily removed PTFs, see Removing software fixes.

  6. After typing the option number you want for each of the fixes displayed, press Enter.

  7. Repeat step 5 and step 6 for each licensed program for which you want to apply fixes.

  8. Press F3 (Exit) to continue with system operations.


Parent topic:

Advanced fix installation: Applying fixes