Working with tasks


With iSeries™ Navigator for Wireless, you can view summary details for all your Management Central tasks.

Click Tasks from the main summary window to view summary details for the following Management Central tasks:

For each type of task, the task summary displays the total number of tasks, the number of tasks that have failed, and the number of tasks that have completed. Only the tasks run in the last 24 hours display in your list. If you have not run a command in the last 24 hours, no information about commands is displayed in the task summary window. Task information is set to expire in 24 hours, but you can change this expiration by customizing your connection.

Click a specific task such as Commands to view the name or names of command tasks that are starting, or that have completed or failed. Click the name of a specific task to view the endpoint system that the task was or is running on.


Parent topic:

Managing your systems with iSeries Navigator for Wireless


Related concepts

Customizing your connection