Volume identifiers
Loading CD-ROM or DVD media into a drive causes automatic reading of the information from the media. Part of this information is the volume identifier. The volume identifier is a name that is given to the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM when it is created. The identifier is also the name that is given to the DVD-RAM media when it was initialized. Depending on the media format, the volume identifier can be up to 32 characters in length. On the system, applications accessing data from the CD-ROM or DVD often refer to it by its volume identifier. For example, a CD-ROM volume identifier might be VOLID01. Applications that need to access file data from any optical media need to refer to the volume identifier. For example, you could write a C program to use the integrated file system APIs to read file /DIR1/FILE on the optical volume VOLID01. In this case, the application would specify path /QOPT/VOLID01/DIR1/FILE on the open request.
Parent topic:
Concepts for optical storage