Configuring directly attached optical media libraries
To create a device description for an optical media library device, use the Create Device Description (Media Library) (CRTDEVMLB) command.
Specify the device class as *OPT. For example:
CRTDEVMLB DEVD(OPTMLB01) DEVCLS(*OPT) RSRCNAME(OPTMLB01)The configuration description for an optical media library device (MLD) is *OPTMLB. In addition, you can use the following commands to work with device descriptions:
- To change the device description, use the Change Device Description (Media Library) (CHGDEVMLB) command.
- To vary the device description, use the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command.
- To delete the device description, use the Delete Device Description (DLTDEVD) command.
- To work with the configuration status, use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command.
Parent topic:
Configuring optical devices