Suspending geographic mirroring


You can choose to temporarily stop geographic mirroring by selecting to suspend geographic mirroring.

Any changes made on the production copy of the independent disk pool are not be transmitted to the mirror copy.

When you resume geographic mirroring, synchronization is required between the production and mirror copies. If geographic mirroring was suspended without tracking, then full synchronization is required. This can be a lengthy process.

To suspend geographic mirroring, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand My Connections (or your active environment).

  2. Expand the system that owns the production copy of the geographically mirrored disk pool that you want to suspend.

  3. Expand Configuration and Service > Hardware > Disk Units > Disk Pools.

  4. Right-click the production copy of the Disk Pool you want to suspend and select Geographic Mirroring > Suspend Geographic Mirroring.

If you suspend with tracking, the system will attempt to track changes made to those disk pools. This may shorten the length of the synchronization process by performing partial synchronization when you resume geographic mirroring. If tracking space is exhausted, then when you resume geographic mirroring, complete synchronization is required.

If you suspend without tracking, then when you resume geographic mirroring, complete synchronization occurs.

If you suspend geographic mirroring without tracking changes, then when you resume geographic mirroring, a complete synchronization is required between the production and mirror copies. If you suspend geographic mirroring and you do track changes, then only a partial synchronization is required. Complete synchronization can be a very lengthy process, anywhere from one to several hours or longer. The length of time it takes to synchronize is dependent on the number and type of disk units as well as how many TCP/IP communication interfaces are dedicated to geographic mirroring.

Use the Start DASD Management Operation (QYASSDMO) API to reduce the amount of time it takes to make a disk pool unavailable.


Parent topic:

Managing geographic mirroring