Enabling remote load source mirroring


Enabling remote load source mirroring makes it possible for the two disk units of the load source mirrored pair to be on different IOPs or system buses. Remote load source mirroring allows you to protect against a site disaster by dividing the disk storage between the two sites, mirroring one site to another.

You must enable remote load source mirroring before starting mirrored protection for disk pool 1. If remote load source mirroring support is enabled after mirrored protection has already been started for disk pool 1, the existing mirrored protection and mirrored pairing of the load source is not changed.

Remote load source mirroring support can be enabled in either the DST or the SST environment in iSeries™ Navigator or the character-based interface. If you attempt to enable remote load source mirroring and it is currently enabled, the system displays a message that remote load source mirroring is already enabled.

To enable remote load source mirroring using the iSeries Navigator, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections (or your active environment).

  2. Expand the System i™ you want to examine,Configuration and Service > Hardware > Disk Units > Disk Pools > Disk Pool 1.

  3. Right-click the load source disk unit and select Enable Remote Load Source Mirroring.

Enabling remote load source mirroring does not start mirrored protection on the disk units. Remote load source mirroring affects only the load source disk units. To enable remote load source mirroring using the character-based interface, do the following steps:

  1. From the DST Main Menu, select Work with disk units.

  2. From the Work with disk units menu, select Work with disk configuration.

  3. From the Work with disk configuration menu, select Work with mirrored protection.

  4. From the Work with mirrored protection menu, select Enable remote load source mirroring. This will display an Enable remote load source mirroring confirmation screen.

  5. Press Enter at the Enable remote load source mirroring confirmation screen. The Work with mirrored protection screen will be displayed, with a message at the bottom, indicating that remote load source mirroring has been enabled.


Parent topic:

Managing mirrored protection