Creating a dedicated independent disk pool


Creating a dedicated (or stand-alone) independent disk pool does not require as much planning and configuration as a switchable independent disk pool requires. However, you should still take the time to make sure that your future needs will not require you to be able to switch the independent disk pool.

To create a dedicated independent disk pool, you can use the New Disk Pool wizard in iSeries™ Navigator. This will assist you in creating a new disk pool and adding disk units to it. The New Disk Pool wizard also allows you to include unconfigured disk units in a parity set, and start device parity protection and disk compression. As you add disk units, do not spread disk units that are in same parity set across multiple disk pools, because failure to one parity set would affect multiple disk pools.

To use the New Disk Pool wizard to create a dedicated independent disk pool, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections (or your active environment).

  2. Expand the System i™ you want to examine,Configuration and Service > Hardware > Disk Units.

  3. Right-click Disk Pools and select New Disk Pool.

  4. Follow the wizard's instructions to add disk units to a new disk pool.

  5. Print your disk configuration to have available in case of a recovery situation.

  6. Record the relationship between the independent disk pool name and number.

Add independent disk pools when your system is fully restarted. If use the New Disk Pool wizard in the dedicated service tools (DST) mode, you need to create an associated device description for the independent disk pool when the system is fully restarted. Use the Create Device Description (ASP) (CRTDEVASP) command to create the device description. Name the device description and resource name the same as you name the independent disk pool. You can use the Work with Device Descriptions (WRKDEVD) command to verify that the device description and independent disk pool name match.


Parent topic:

Configuring independent disk pools

Related concepts
iSeries Navigator requirements for disk management