Converting a UDFS disk pool to primary


You have the capability to convert UDFS disk pools to library-capable primary and secondary disk pools. Library-capable disk pools support library-based objects. You must convert UDFS disk pools if you want them to participate in a disk pool group.

You must create a primary disk pool before you can associate secondary disk pools.

After you convert a UDFS disk pool to a primary or secondary disk pool, you cannot convert it back to a UDFS disk pool.

To convert a UDFS disk pool to a primary disk pool, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand My Connections (or your active environment).

  2. Expand the System i™ you want to examine,Configuration and Service > Hardware > Disk Units.

  3. If the Service Tools Signon dialog box is displayed, sign on to service tools.

  4. Select Disk Pools.

  5. Right-click the required UDFS Disk Pool and select Confirm Convert to Primary Disk Pool.

  6. On the Confirm Convert to Primary Disk Pool dialog box the default for the Database Name field is Generated by the system, which means the system generates a database name for you.

  7. Click Convert Disk Pool.

  8. If you need to associate other existing UDFS disk pools with your new primary disk pool in a disk pool group, see Converting a UDFS disk pool to secondary.


Parent topic:

Converting UDFS disk pools