Using disk pools with extensive journaling


This topic provides instructions on working with journal receivers when a disk pool overflows.

If journals and objects being journaled are in the same disk pool as the receivers and the disk pool overflows, end journaling of all objects and recover the disk pool overflow. Backup and Recovery describes how to recover a disk pool that is overfilled.

If the journal receiver is in a different disk pool from the journal, and the disk pool where the receiver is overflows, take the following steps:

  1. Create a new receiver in a different user disk pool.

  2. Change the journal (CHGJRN command) to attach the newly created journal receiver.

  3. Save the detached receiver.

  4. Delete it.

  5. Clear the overfilled disk pool without ending journaling.

  6. Create a new receiver in the cleared disk pool.

  7. Attach the new receiver with the CHGJRN command.


Parent topic:

Managing disk pools
Related information
Backup and Recovery