Changing system values during IPL


System values control information that affects the operation of certain parts of the system. On the System Value Commands display, you can change system values that affect initial program load (IPL) or other areas of the system.

This display is shown when you type a Y (Yes) in the Define or change the system at IPL field on the IPL Options display (see step 6).

To change system values during an IPL, follow these steps:

  1. Select Option 3 (System value commands) on the Define or Change System at IPL display.

  2. Select Option 3 (Work with system values).

  3. Select Option 2 (Change) on the Work with System Values display.

  4. Type the new system value over the current value and press Enter.

  5. Press F3 (Exit) to return to the System Value Commands display.
  6. Press F3 (Exit) to return to the Define or Change the System at IPL display, and press F3 again to continue the IPL.

Some system values that you change do not take effect until the next IPL, while others take effect immediately.


Security considerations

To change system values, be signed on as QPGMR, QSYSOPR, or QSRV, or have all object (*ALLOBJ) authority. Certain system values can be changed only by a security officer (someone with all object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM) special authorities).


Parent topic:

Changing your system IPL from the control panel

Related concepts
System values that control IPL