Developing iSeries Navigator plug-ins
With the plug-in feature of iSeries™ Navigator, you can integrate your system administration tasks and client/server programs into a single application environment.
You can use plug-ins to consolidate third-party applications and specialized functions written in C++, Visual Basic, or Java™ into the iSeries Navigator interface. Use this topic collection to help you understand what plug-ins are, how to create or customize them, and how to distribute them to your users.
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- What's new for V5R4
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- Plug-in support in iSeries Navigator
iSeries Navigator Plug-in support provides a convenient way to integrate your own functions and applications into a single user interface: iSeries Navigator.
- Installing and running sample plug-ins
The Programmer's Toolkit supplies sample plug-ins in each of the supported programming languages.
- Plug-in programming reference
iSeries Navigator handles plug-ins in each programming language in a different way.