You can simultaneously run multiple traces on the same job and view cumulative output. In addition, you can view the results of all the traces within the output of each trace.
If you are tracing the same job in more than one trace session, and you are using the Trace type prompt, the Trace type component selections will accumulate and the results of all trace types will be included in the output of all of the trace sessions.
For example, you and your colleague both need to troubleshoot problems on the same Web server jobs. You start a job trace using the Start trace (STRTRC) command with these parameters: JOBTRCTYPE(*ALL) and TRCTYPE(*HTTP). Some time later, your colleague starts a trace using the STRTRC command with these parameters: JOBTRCTYPE(*ALL), and TRCTYPE(*SOCKETS).
Both traces contain the call and return flow for the period of time each trace is active. However, the additional TRCTYPE data that is collected is cumulative; that is, as new traces are started the trace types accumulate and the requested trace type information is collected until all traces are ended.
When your trace starts, it is collecting only the *HTTP trace type information. When your colleague's trace starts, your output and your colleague's output both contain the same type of information; they contain both the *HTTP trace type information and the *SOCKETS trace type information. Even if you end your trace shortly after your colleague begins a trace, your colleague's trace continues to collect both *HTTP and *SOCKETS trace type information until that trace ends.