The logging function helps you track activity and identify problems with the SNTP server or client.
Logging is used to create records of the actions of the SNTP client or server. Use logging to help problem analysis, not during normal running situations.
One log file is created each day, with the name in the form QTOT YYYYMMDD, where YYYY represents the year, MM represents the month, and DD represents the day.
The coded character set identifier (CCSID) of the file is the default system CCSID. If the system default CCSID is changed when the activity log is in use, the original CCSID of the file is still used. Because the resulting file might become unreadable, you need to stop the SNTP client, rename the activity log, and restart the SNTP client so that a new log is created with the new CCSID.
To log SNTP client activity, follow these steps:
The client activity logs are created in the integrated file system directory /QIBM/UserData/OS400/TCPIP/NTP. Here is an example of a client log:
SNTP Client Activity Log QTOTNTP/QNTP/097229 08/21/03 12:00:48.502 AM TCP9136 SNTP Client started. TCP9146 Using time server TIME. TCP9162 08/21/03 12:00:48.548 AM Time remaining for adjustment is 0.000 seconds. TCP9116 08/21/03 12:00:48.548 AM NTP server UTC time is 08/21/03 5:00:48.196. TCP9117 08/21/03 12:00:48.548 AM Client clock UTC time is 08/21/03 5:00:48.197. TCP9120 08/21/03 12:00:48.548 AM Client clock adjusted = 1 (0 = not adjusted, 1 = adjusted) TCP9146 Using time server TIME. TCP9162 08/21/03 12:01:48.590 AM Time remaining for adjustment is 0.000 seconds. TCP9116 08/21/03 12:01:48.590 AM NTP server UTC time is 08/21/03 5:01:48.589. TCP9117 08/21/03 12:01:48.590 AM Client clock UTC time is 08/21/03 5:01:48.589. TCP9120 08/21/03 12:01:48.590 AM Client clock adjusted = 1 (0 = not adjusted, 1 = adjusted)
To log SNTP server activity, follow these steps:
The server activity logs are created in the integrated file system directory /QIBM/UserData/OS400/TCPIP/NTP/SERVER. Here is an example of a server log:
SNTP Server Activity Log QTOTNTP/QNTP/097326 08/21/03 2:46:04.329 PM TCP9159 SNTP Server started. TCP9161 08/21/03 2:46:20.828 PM Client Unsynchronized status returned. TCP9163 08/21/03 2:46:20.854 PM SNTP system client unable to contact server. TCP9161 08/21/03 2:47:21.181 PM Client Unsynchronized status returned. TCP9162 08/21/03 2:47:21.195 PM Time remaining for adjustment is .534 seconds. TCP9160 08/21/03 2:48:21.242 PM Client, UTC time returned is 08/21/03 19:48:21.241. TCP9160 08/21/03 2:48:21.532 PM Client, UTC time returned is 08/21/03 19:48:21.531.