iSeries Navigator
To view the attributes of a thread, follow the following instructions:
- In iSeries Navigator,
expand My Connections > server > Work Management > Active Jobs or Server Jobs.
- Right-click the job with which you want to work, and click Details > Threads.
- Right-click the thread with which you want to work, and click Properties.
The information under the General tab allows you to view the attributes of a thread. These attributes include the thread identifier, the detailed status of the thread, the current user, the type of thread running, the job the thread is running under, and the disk pool group the thread is running in.
The information under the Performance tab allows you to view basic performance elements and let you change the run priority of the thread. Run priority indicates the importance of the thread in relation to other threads running in the system. The possible values range from job priority to 99 (meaning the highest possible priority will vary). The thread run priority may never be higher than the run priority for the job in which the thread is running.
You can view the performance values calculated since the thread started, which include CPU and total disk I/O. You can also view, refresh,
set up an automatic refresh, or reset the Elapsed performance statistics that have been calculated for a thread.
Character-based interface
Command: Work With Job (
Example: The following example displays the Work With Threads screen for the job Crtpfrdta.