Viewing jobs in the subsystem


Subsystems coordinate work flow and the resources that a job uses to run. iSeries™ Navigator allows you to see what jobs are currently active (but not necessarily running) in the subsystem.


Parent topic:

Common job tasks


iSeries Navigator

To view jobs in the subsystem, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections > server > Work Management > Subsystems > Active Subsystems.

  2. Click the subsystem that has the jobs that you want to display.


Character-based interface

Command: Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB SBS (subsystem name)

Command: Work with Subsystem Descriptions (WRKSBSD) Use the Work with Subsystem Descriptions command to display a list of subsystems. After you find the subsystem that contains your job, use option 8=Work with subsystem jobs to display the job information.

The subsystem must be active to display the job information.