Viewing overall system status


The iSeries™ Navigator puts all information relating to system status in one place. This makes it easier for you to monitor how your system is performing, identify potential trouble areas, and quickly determine what action you need to take to improve performance.

The System Status window divides the overall system status into six specific areas:


This is the CPU elapsed usage percentage, number of active jobs, address used percentage, system disk pool usage percentage, total jobs on system, percentages of permanent and temporary addresses used, total disk space, and system disk pool capacity.


This is the total number of jobs, number of active jobs, maximum number of jobs, and the number of active threads.


This is the CPU elapsed usage percentage. (Depending upon your hardware configuration, you may also see additional information regarding the type of processor(s), number of processors, processing power, virtual processors, interactive performance, elapsed shared processor pool usage, and elapsed uncapped CPU capacity usage.)


This is the total memory (main storage) on your system and a button that gives you access to the list of active memory pools on the system.

Disk Space

This is the total disk space, the system disk pool capacity and usage, information about the temporary storage used, and buttons that give you access to more disk status, the list of disk pools on the system, and storage system values information.


This is the information about permanent and temporary addresses used, large (256 MB) permanent and temporary addresses used, and very large (4 GB) permanent and temporary addresses used.
To view general system status, follow the following instructions:

  1. From iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections.

  2. Right-click the server and click System Status.
The System Status window appears. For more information about this window, see the iSeries Navigator online help.


Parent topic:

Monitoring system activity