Adding workstation entries
Adding workstation entries to the subsystem description is a key step for assigning which devices are allocated to which subsystem. You need to determine which subsystems should allocate which devices (AT(*SIGNON)). In addition, determine if you need to allow the use of TFRJOB from one subsystem to another (AT(*ENTER)).
In this example, the subsystem and device naming convention is based upon the type of work the user does. Programmers all have devices that are named with PGMR and run in the PGRM subsystem. Order entry personnel all have devices that are named with ORDERENT and run in the ORDERENT subsystem. All other users use the system default naming convention of QPADEVxxxx and run in the IBM-supplied syubsystem QINTER.ADDWSE SBSD(SBSLIB/PGRM) WRKSTN(PGMR*) AT(*SIGNON) ADDWSE SBSD(SBSLIB/ORDERENT) WRKSTN(ORDERENT*) AT(*SIGNON) ADDWSE SBSD(QGPL/QINTER) WRKSTN(QPADEV*) AT(*SIGNON)
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Configuring an interactive subsystemPrevious topic: Adding a routing entryNext topic: Customizing QINTER