Removing prestart job entries


You can remove prestart job entries from the subsystem description by using the character-based interface. A prestart job entry cannot be removed if any currently active jobs were started using the entry.

When removing an entry where *LIBL is specified for the library name, the library list is searched for a program with the specified name. If a program is found in the library list but an entry exists with a different library name (which is found later in the library list), no entry is removed. If a program is not found in the library list but an entry exists, no entry is removed. Command: Remove Prestart Job Entry (RMVPJE)

Example: This command removes the prestart job entry for the PGM1 program (in the QGPL library) from the PJE subsystem description contained in the QGPL library.


Parent topic:

Deleting a subsystem description

Related concepts
Prestart job entries Prestart job investigation