Removing a job schedule entry
The Remove Job Schedule Entry (RMVJOBSCDE) command allows you to remove an entry, entries, or generic entries in the job schedule. Each job schedule entry corresponds to one batch job, and contains the information needed to automatically run the job once or at regularly scheduled intervals. A message is sent to you and the message queue specified in the job schedule entry when an entry is successfully removed. To remove a job schedule entry, use the character-based interface.
To remove entries, be running under a user profile which has job control (*JOBCTL) special authority; otherwise you can remove only those entries that you added. Command: Remove Job Schedule Entry (RMVJOBSCDE)
Example: The following example removes the job PAYROLL from the job schedule.When the system job removes a single-submission entry or when an entry is removed by the Remove Job Schedule Entry (RMVJOBSCDE) command, system message CPC1239 is sent to the message queue specified in the entry. If a single-submission entry was held when its schedule time was reached and the entry specified *NO for its save attribute, the entry is removed when it is released with the Release Job Schedule Entry command. In this case, message CPC1245 is sent to the message queue specified in the entry.RMVJOBSCDE JOB(PAYROLL) ENTRYNBR(*ONLY)
Parent topic:
Working with job schedule entries