Job attributes can be viewed by any user, but can only be changed by a user with the proper authority. Similarly, an authorized user can manage jobs through job actions. Attributes for system jobs cannot be changed in iSeries Navigator.
However, the run priority of some system jobs can be changed in the character based interface using the Change System Job (CHGSYSJOB)
Character-based interface
Command: Work with Job (WRKJOB)When the job is active you can view the following information: job run attributes,
call stack information, job lock information, library list information, job log information, open file information, file override information, commitment control status, communications status, activation group information, mutex information, and thread information
Command: Display Job (DSPJOB)
This command displays the following information about the job: job status attributes,
job definition attributes, job run attributes, spooled file information,
job log information, call stack information, job lock information, library list information, open file information, file override information, commitment control status, communications status, activation group information, mutex information, thread information, media library, and attribute information.