SP accounting journal information


This table lists the fields (found in file QSYS/QAPTACG5) that are used in the spooled print (SP) journal entry.

SP accounting journal information is similar to that provided in the direct print (DP) accounting journal data except that the spooled file name, spooled file number, output priority, form type, and total number of bytes of control information and print data sent to the printer are included. An SP journal entry is not written if a spooled file is deleted before a writer starts writing the file to the device.

Table 1. Spooled print journal entry fields
Field name Description Field attributes
JAJOB Job name Character (10)
JAUSER Job user Character (10)
JANBR Job number Zoned (6,0)
JACDE Accounting code Character (15)
JADFN Device file name Character (10)
JADFNL Library in which device file is stored Character (10)
JADEVN Device name Character (10)
JADEVT Device type Character (4)
JADEVM Device model Character (4)
JATPAG Total number of print pages produced Packed decimal (11,0)
JATLIN Total number of print lines produced Packed decimal (11,0)
JASPFN Spooled file name Character (10)
JASPNB Spooled file number Character (4)
JAOPTY Output Priority Character (1)
JAFMTP Form type Character (10)
JABYTE Total number of bytes sent to the printer Packed decimal (15,0)
JAUSRD User Data Character (10)
JALSPN Spooled file number Character (6)
JASPSY Spooled file job system name Character (8)
JASPDT Spooled file create date (cyymmdd format) Character (7)
JASPTM Spooled file create time (hhmmss format) Character (6)
JADFASP ASP name for device file library Character (10)

  • The system attempts to record the actual number of pages, lines, and bytes printed, but when a writer is canceled *IMMED or recovers from a device error (such as end of forms), it is not possible to determine the exact number of pages, lines, and bytes printed.

  • Extra pages and lines produced with the alignment line are not included in the page, line, and byte counts.

  • If a spooled file goes into WTR status (but is set to MSGW) or if the file is deleted while in MSGW status, an SP journal entry will appear in the DP accounting journal indicating that there are 0 pages and 0 lines printed.

  • While using a printer configured AFP(*YES), if you delete or hold a file immediately after it has printed pages, the SP entry for that file may indicate 0 pages and 0 lines printed although some pages were printed.

  • The page, line, and byte counts for the job and file separators are included with the counts for the file they are associated with.

  • When an IPDS file contains graphics or bar codes and is sent to an IPDS printer that does not support graphics or bar codes, the page, line, and byte counts include the graphics and bar codes that are not printed.

  • If printer configuration is AFP(*YES), the field for total number of print lines produced is zero. The total number of pages produced field is correct.


Parent topic:

Printer file accounting data for direct print and spooled print