Configuring the console


A final, but VERY important consideration regarding QINTER is the workstation type entry of *CONS for the console. Make sure that you do not accidentally prevent someone from signing on at the console. You prevent this from happening by not adding any workstation entries for the console to your custom interactive subsystems.

The system is shipped with the controlling subsystem having a workstation entry of AT(*SIGNON) for the console (*CONS workstation type entry). QINTER has the AT(*ENTER) workstation type entry for the console.

It is good practice to always run the console in the controlling subsystem and to not transfer the console job into some other interactive subsystem. This prevents the user at the console from ending their own job unintentionally.

For example, if the user at the console transfers their job to INTER1 and forgets about it, and sometime later proceeds to prepare for backup processing by doing an End System (ENDSYS) command, the console job is also ended. This is most likely not what the operator intended.


Parent topic:

Configuring an interactive subsystem
Previous topic: Customizing QINTER