Specifying a mail server to use for notification
A mail server is required if you want to send e-mail notification messages.
To set up the notification properties, follow these steps:
- Open Work Management from your iSeries™ Navigator window.
- Expand Advanced Job Scheduler.
- Right-click Notification and click Properties.
- Specify how many days to store messages. Specify a number in the Message retention field.
- Specify an Outgoing mail server (SMTP). For example, SMTP.yourserver.com.
- Specify a Port. The default port number is 25.
- Specify an e-mail address in the Reply address field. All reply messages are sent to this address.
- Select Yes or No in the Log send activity field. Send activity is used for problem determination.
- Specify the Number of banner pages allowed. This is used in Report Distribution.
- Click OK to save the notification properties.
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