Specifying a mail server to use for notification


A mail server is required if you want to send e-mail notification messages.

To set up the notification properties, follow these steps:

  1. Open Work Management from your iSeries™ Navigator window.

  2. Expand Advanced Job Scheduler.

  3. Right-click Notification and click Properties.

  4. Specify how many days to store messages. Specify a number in the Message retention field.

  5. Specify an Outgoing mail server (SMTP). For example, SMTP.yourserver.com.

  6. Specify a Port. The default port number is 25.

  7. Specify an e-mail address in the Reply address field. All reply messages are sent to this address.

  8. Select Yes or No in the Log send activity field. Send activity is used for problem determination.

  9. Specify the Number of banner pages allowed. This is used in Report Distribution.

  10. Click OK to save the notification properties.


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Setting up the Advanced Job Scheduler
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