Adding routing entries
Each routing entry specifies the parameters used to start a routing step for a job. Routing entries identify the main storage subsystem pool to use, the controlling program to run (typically the system-supplied program QCMD), and additional run-time information (stored in the class object). To add a routing entry to a subsystem description, use the character-based interface. Command: Add Routing Entry (ADDRTGE)
Example: This command adds routing entry 46 to the subsystem description PERT in the ORDLIB library. To use routing entry 46, the routing data must start with the character string WRKSTN2 starting in position 1. Any number of routing steps can be active through this entry at any one time. The program GRAPHIT in the library ORDLIB is to run in storage pool 2 by using class AZERO in library MYLIB.ADDRTGE SBSD(ORDLIB/PERT) SEQNBR(46) CMPVAL(WRKSTN2) PGM(ORDLIB/GRAPHIT) CLS(MYLIB/AZERO) MAXACT(*NOMAX) POOLID(2)
Parent topic:
Creating a subsystem descriptionRelated concepts
Routing entries