Because you have the choice to detach printer output from a job once it finishes running (separating the printer output from the job completely),
you can access your printer output in iSeries™ Navigator through Basic Operations or through work management.
iSeries Navigator
To access a job's printer output through Basic Operations, do the following:
- In iSeries Navigator,
expand My Connections > connection > Basic Operations > Job.
- Right-click the job for which you want to display printer output and click Printer Output. The Printer Output window appears.
To access printer output through the Output Queues folder, do the following:
- In iSeries Navigator,
expand My Connections > connection > Work Management > Output Queues.
- Select the output queue with which you want to display printer output (for example, Qprint2). The printer output within the output queue appears.
Character-based interface
Command: Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ <output queue name>)
Command: Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF JOB(qualified job name)