Example: Code for a standard commit processing program


The standard commit (STDCMT) processing program performs the functions required to communicate with a single notify object used by all applications.

While the commitment control function automatically writes an entry to the notify object, a user-written standard program must process the notify object. The standard program simplifies and standardizes the approach.

The program is written to verify the parameters that were passed and perform the appropriate action as follows:


The calling program requests the notify object file be kept open on return. Because the notify object is opened implicitly by the RPG program, the program must not close it. Indicator 98 is set so that the program returns with LR off to keep the program's work areas and leaves the notify object open so it can be called again without excess overhead.


The calling program has determined that it no longer needs the notify object and requests a close. Indicator 98 is set off to allow a full close of the notify object.


The calling program requests that a record with matching key fields be read and passed back. The program uses the passed key fields to attempt to retrieve a record from NFYOBJP. If duplicate records exist for the same key, the last record is returned. The return code is set accordingly and, if the record existed, it is passed back in the data structure CMTID.


The calling program requests a record to be written to the notify object to allow the calling program to start again the next time it is called. The program writes the contents of the passed data as a record in NFYOBJP.


The calling program requests that records for this matching key be deleted. This function is typically performed at the successful completion of the calling program to remove any information about starting again. The program attempts to delete any records for passed key fields. If no records exist, a different return code is passed back.


The calling program requests a search for a record for a particular user regardless of which program wrote it. This function is used in the program for sign-on to indicate that starting again is required. The program uses only the user name as the key to see if records exist. The return code is set appropriately, and the contents of the last record for this key (if it exists) are read and passed back.

The following example shows the standard commit processing program, STDCMT.


Standard commit processing program

By using the code example, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

SEQNBR *... ... 1 ... ... 2 ... ... 3 ... ... 4 ... ... 5 ... ... 6 ... ... 7 ..
  1.00      FNFYOBJP UF  E           K        DISK                      A   2.00      ICMTID       DS   3.00      I                                        1  10 UNQUSR   4.00      I                                       11  20 UNQPGM   5.00      I                                       21 220 BIGFLD   6.00      C           *ENTRY    PLIST   7.00      C                     PARM           RQSCOD  1
  8.00      C                     PARM           RTNCOD  1
  9.00      C                     PARM           CMTID 220
 10.00      C            UNQUSR   CABEQ*BLANKS   BADEND         H1 Invalid  11.00      C            UNQPGM   CABEQ*BLANKS   BADEND         H2 Invalid  12.00      C*
 13.00      C*  'O' for Open  14.00      C*
 15.00      C            RQSCOD   IFEQ 'O'                         Open  16.00      C                     SETON                     98    End LR  17.00      C                     GOTO END  18.00      C                     END  19.00      C*
 20.00      C*  'C' for Close  21.00      C*
 22.00      C            RQSCOD   IFEQ 'C'                         Close  23.00      C                     SETOF                     98
 24.00      C                     GOTO END  25.00      C                     END  26.00      C*
 27.00      C*  'R' for Read - Get last record for the key  28.00      C*
 29.00      C            RQSCOD   IFEQ 'R'                        Read  30.00      C            KEY      KLIST  31.00      C                     KFLD           UNQUSR  32.00      C                     KFLD           UNQPGM  33.00      C            KEY      CHAINNFYOBJR              51    Not found  34.00      C   51                MOVE '0'       RTNCOD  35.00      C   51                GOTO END  36.00      C                     MOVE '1'       RTNCOD            Found  37.00      C            LOOPl    TAG  38.00      C            KEY      READENFYOBJR                  20 EOF  39.00      C   20                GOTO END  40.00      C                     GOTO LOOP1
 41.00      C                     END  42.00      C*
 43.00      C*  'W' FOR Write  44.00      C*
 45.00      C            RQSCOD   IFEQ 'W'                         Write  46.00      C                     WRITENFYOBJR  47.00      C                     GOTO END  48.00      C                     END  49.00      C*
 50.00      C*  'D' for Delete - Delete all records for the key  51.00      C*
 52.00      C           RQSCOD    IFEQ 'D'                         Delete  53.00      C           KEY       CHAINNFYOBJR              51    Not found  54.00      C   51                MOVE '0'       RTNCOD  55.00      C   51                GOTO END  56.00      C                     MOVE '1'       RTNCOD            Found  57.00      C           LOOP2     TAG  58.00      C                     DELETNFYOBJR  59.00      C           KEY       READENFYOBJR                  20 EOF  60.00      C  N20                GOTO LOOP2
 61.00      C                     GOTO END  62.00      C                     END  63.00      C*
 64.00      C*  'S' for Search for the last record for this user  65.00      C*              (Ignore the -Program- portion of the key)
 66.00      C*
 67.00      C           RQSCOD    IFEQ 'S'                        Search  68.00      C           UNQUSR    SETLLNFYOBJR                 20 If equal  69.00      C  N20                MOVE '0'       RTNCOD  70.00      C  N20                GOTO END  71.00      C                     MOVE '1'       RTNCOD           Found  72.00      C           LOOP3     TAG  73.00      C           UNQUSR    READENFYOBJR                 20 EOF  74.00      C  N20                GOTO LOOP3
 75.00      C                     GOTO END  76.00      C                     END  77.00      C*
 78.00      C*  Invalid request code processing  79.00      C*
 80.00      C                     SETON                     H2    Bad RQS code  81.00      C                     GOTO BADEND  82.00      C*
 83.00      C*  End of program processing  84.00      C*
 85.00      C           END       TAG  86.00      C  N98                SETON                     LR  87.00      C                     RETRN  88.00      C* BADEND tag is used then fall thru to RPG cycle error return  89.00      C           BADEND    TAG


Parent topic:

Example: Using a standard processing program to start an application


Related concepts

Example: Using a standard processing program to decide whether to restart the application