What's new for V5R4
For V5R4, there are a number of improvements and additions to journal management.
Default for SMAPP is set to 50 minutes from 60 minutes
SMAPP and Journal support for additional access paths
SMAPP and access path journaling is now provided for encoded vector indexes and for most access paths with international components for unicode (ICU) sort sequence tables.
Easier ability to change the journal receiver threshold value
The CHGJRN command can now be used to modify the journal receiver threshold value.
Increased journal object limit
The maximum number of objects that can be associated with one journal is now either 250 000 or 10 000 000.
Enhanced support to allow users to automatically start journaling
Extension of the QDFTJRN support to allow a user to indicate that data areas and data queues created, moved, or restored into the library should automatically start journaling.
New default value of *SYSDFT is provided on the Receiver Size Options (RCVSIZOPT) parameter for the Create Journal (CRTJRN) command
The new receiver size option value *SYSDFT will be the default value on the CRTJRN command and will be an optional value on the CHGJRN command.
Viewable entry-specific data for minimized journal entries
A new value for the MINENTDTA parameter, *FLDBDY, allows minimizing file entries on a field boundary. Along with this new minimizing value is a new parameter that can be specified when reading journal entries, Format minimized data (FMTMINDTA). This parameter allows you to specify whether entry specific data which has been minimized on field boundaries will be returned in a readable format.
Customization of recovery count for individual journals
A new parameter Journal Recovery Count (JRNRCYCNT) added to the Change Journal (CHGJRN) command indicates how many journal entries can exist between the last deposited entry and the oldest forced entry for a journal.
Additional object selection capabilities when reading journal entries
Support has been enhanced for the commands DSPJRN, RCVJRNE, and RTVJRNE and the QjoRetrieveJournalEntries API. These commands have previously been able to selectively return journal entries related to a specific database file or set of database files but have now been extended to include selection capabilities for all objects types eligible for journaling.
Support for forward recovery for journaled data queues
Forward recovery support has been added for journaled data queues using save/restore and APYJRNCHG commands.
Enhancements to the Work with Journals (WRKJRN) command
The enhanced Work with Journals (WRKJRN) command support now includes all object types.
- Displaying information for journaled objects, journals, and receivers
- Recovering a damaged journal
- Recovery of journaled objects
- Applying journaled changes with the WRKJRN command
- Removing journaled changes with the WRKJRN command
Remote Journal Error Handling Enhancements
The i5/OS™ operating system provides timely and detailed messages in the event of a Remote Journal failure. If the source system cannot communicate with the target system, the source system will be notified immediately, end the remote journal environment, and provide detailed messages as to the possible cause. Similarly, if the target system cannot communicate with the source system, the target system will be notified immediately, end the remote journal environment, and provide detailed messages as to the possible cause.
Information enhancements
The journal entry information finder includes entry-specific data for journal code B integrated file system entries, code E data area operation, code Q data queue operation, and many other journal codes. It also includes documentation for new journal entries added with this release.
What's new as of December 2006
How to see what's new or changed
To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:
- The image to mark where new or changed information begins.
- The image to mark where new or changed information ends.
To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.
Parent topic:
Journal management