Starting SMAPP or changing SMAPP values


Use the Edit Recovery Access Path (EDTRCYAP) display to start or change values for system-managed access-path protection (SMAPP).

If you use basic or independent disk pools to separate objects that have different recovery and availability requirements, you might also want to specify different recovery times for access paths in those disk pools.

For example, if you have a large history file that changes infrequently, you can put the file in a separate disk pool and set the access path recovery time for that disk pool to *NONE. Or, if you have an independent disk pool, and you want the recovery time to move with the disk pool when it is switched to another server, you can specify a specific time for that disk pool.

To start SMAPP or change SMAPP values, proceed as follows:

  1. On the display, specify one of the following values in the System access path recovery time field:

    • *SYSDFT

    • *NONE

    • *MIN

    • *OFF

    • A specific value between 1 and 1440 minutes.

  2. At the Include access paths field select one of the following:

    • *ALL


  3. If you are starting or changing SMAPP for disk pools, change the Target field for individual disk pools.

To change the access path recovery time from *OFF to another value, your server must be in a restricted state.

You can also use the Change Recovery for Access Paths (CHGRCYAP) command to change the target recovery times without using the Edit Recovery Access Path display.

The system performance monitor also provides information about access path recovery times. The Work Management and Performance Tools for iSeries™ topics provide more information about monitoring performance and about what SMAPP information is available through the tools.


Parent topic:

System-managed access-path protection