Displaying remote journal function information


When you are working with the remote journal function, you will want to be able to view the remote journal network. You may also want to view the various attributes, journal states, or delivery modes.

The Work with Journal Attributes (WRKJRNA) display includes the list of all remote journals that are associated with a given journal. When looking at a specific journal, you can see information about the journal's source journal, if any. Additionally, you can see all remote journals which are immediately downstream from the specified journal. If those remote journals are cascaded to other remote journals, you will not be able to see any cascaded remote journal information. To see that information, invoke the WRKJRNA command for that remote journal on its own system. This information is also available through the Retrieve Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API.

Additionally, the Display Journal Receiver Attributes (DSPJRNRCVA) displays provide additional information about the remote journal characteristics of the journal receivers. The DSPJRNRCVA command also has an API counterpart to allow program retrieval of the journal receiver information, the Retrieve Journal Receiver Information (QjoRtvJrnReceiverInformation) API.


Parent topic:

Managing remote journals

Related concepts
Relational database considerations for remote journal state