Correct order for restoration of journaled objects
You must restore journals and their associated objects in the correct order. For the system to automatically reestablish your journaling environment, restore objects in this sequence:
- Journals
- Based-on physical files
- Dependent logical files
- Other journaled object types
- Journal receivers
You can restore journal receivers at any point after you restore the journals. You do not need to restore them after the journaled objects.
When these objects are in the same library, the system restores them in the correct sequence. When these objects are in different libraries or directories, restore them in the correct sequence, or manually reestablish your journaling environment after the restore operation.
You can restore journal receivers in any sequence. After restoring them, use option 9 (Associate receivers with journal) from the Work with Journal (WRKJRN) command display to build the receiver chain in the correct sequence. You can also use Option 9 to build the receiver chain if you restore the journal after the journal receivers. The journal must be on the system for the receiver chain to be built.
If you restore journaled objects before restoring the journal, start journaling again.
Your journals and journal receivers can be in different libraries. If this is true, ensure that the library that will contain the journal receivers is on the system before restoring the journal. Ensuring this will also ensure that the journal receiver is created in the desired library, since a journal receiver is created when the journal is restored. Only the library needs to be on the system, not the journal receivers in that library. If you do not ensure this, you may need to create a journal receiver in the desired journal receiver library. You would then have to run the Change Journal (CHGJRN) command to attach the new receiver to your journal.
Parent topic:
Saving journals and journal receiversRelated concepts
Journal receiver chainsRelated tasks
Starting journaling