Candidates for remote journal management


Journals that you are currently replicating, or that you plan to replicate, in their entirety to one or more systems, are excellent candidates for the remote journal function.

Journals with high activity that require frequent saves and deletes of the associated journal receivers during the day are also good candidates for the remote journal function. If you use remote journaling, you can specify that the backup system takes over the journal receiver save processing. Then the primary system can specify system journal-receiver management and automatic deletion of journal receivers. This frees up disk space on the primary system as quickly as possible. The backup system is the system where a replica of the original data is being maintained. The primary system is the system where the original data resides.

Also, you might have applications that are so critical to your business that any downtime will impact your operations. The application dependent data is a good candidate to protect with the remote journal function. Application dependent data is any data that a particular application depends on if that application is interrupted and has to be restarted.

For example, you may have a database that has a lot of query activity that impacts your system performance. That local database is a good candidate to replicate to another system so that the query activity moves from the local system to that remote system. The remote journal function can assist this process of replicating the database.


Parent topic:

Planning for remote journals

Related concepts
Manual versus system journal-receiver management Automatic deletion of journal receivers