Process of adding remote journal


Adding a remote journal creates a remote journal on a target system or independent disk pool and associates that remote journal with the journal on the source system. This occurs if this is the first time the remote journal is being established for a journal. The journal on the source system can be either a local or remote journal.

If a remote journal environment has previously been established, adding a remote journal re-associates the remote journal on the target system with the journal on the source system.

You can establish and associate a remote journal on a target system with a journal on the source system by one of the following methods:


What happens during add remote journal processing

Some of the processing which takes place as part of adding a remote journal is as follows:

The creation of the journal on the target system is performed as though the journal was being saved and restored to the target system. Therefore, the ownership of the journal on a target system will follow the same rules as with the existing save and restore functions. If the user profile which owns the journal on the source system is on the target system, then that profile will own the created journal on the target system. If the user profile does not exist on the target system, then the profile QDFTOWN will own the journal on the target system.

Additionally, if the remote journal is created, the values for the journal attributes of text, journal message queue, delete receivers value, and delete receiver delay time will be taken from what is specified on the API invocation. After the remote journal has been created, these values can be changed by using the Change Journal (CHGJRN) command for the remote journal on the remote system. After the remote journal is created, any changes to these attributes on the source journal will not cause equivalent changes to the remote journal.

When adding the remote journal, specify the type of remote journal to add. The remote journal type influences the library redirection rules and other operational characteristics for the journal.


Guidelines for adding a remote journal

Here are guidelines for adding a remote journal.

Synchronous and asynchronous delivery mode has more information. Library redirection with remote journals and Remote journal attributes provide more concepts about the add remote journal process. Add remote journals provides the steps for adding a remote journal.


Parent topic:

Remote journal concepts

Related concepts
Types of remote journals Network configurations for remote journals Synchronous and asynchronous delivery mode for remote journals

Related tasks
Adding remote journals