What's new for V5R4


This topic highlights changes to network authentication service for V5R4.


Network Authentication Enablement Product

In V5R3, the network authentication server shipped with the Cryptographic Access Provider (5722-AC3). In V5R4, the 5722-AC3 product has become part of the base release. In V5R4, the Kerberos network authentication server ships as a separate product, Network Authentication Enablement (5722-NAE). Network Authentication Enablement is included with the i5/OS® CD.

You need to install Network Authentication Enablement before you can configure a Kerberos server in i5/OS Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE).


Simplified Kerberos Configuration in i5/OS PASE

The procedure for configuring a secondary Kerberos server has been simplified.

Network authentication service commands

This topic contains more reference information about using commands to configure, run, and use network authentication service.

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.


Parent topic:

Network authentication service