This is not an all-inclusive discussion of how to read your trace output. However, it does highlight the key events to look for in the trace information.
In an integrated services policy, the most important event to pay attention to is whether the ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) connection was rejected because a policy for that connection was not found. Here is an example of a successful message:
12/15 11:36:14 [336,80] TRCE :.......rpapi_getPolicyData: Found action name vreStnl_kraMoNlCvreStnl for flow[sess=x.x.x.x:y:z:s, source=x.x.x.x:y]
Here is an example of an unsuccessful integrated services connection message:
12/15 11:36:14 [336,80] TRCE :.......rpapi_getPolicyData: Unable to find action name for flow [sess=x.x.x.x:y]
For a Differentiated Services policy, the most important messages show if the server loaded a policy rule or if an error occurred in the policy configuration file.
Example: 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :......KernelAddPolicyRule: Installing rule = timed_42ring. 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] EVNT :.......create_tcp_resv: No value in config file for DiffServInProfilePeakRate, defaulted to 100000 00. 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: Create resv - bRate: 537395 5722SS1 V5R1M0 010525 TRCTCPAPP Output RS004 Date-01/11/01 Time-14:08:03 Page-6 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: bDepth: 32768 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: peakR: 10000000 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: m: 128 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: M: 41452 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: mark(TOS): a0 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: flags: 15 01/11 14:07:52 [376,57] TRCE :.......create_tcp_resv: flowspe.form = 1, QOS_FORMAT_DS = 1
You can also have messages showing that the tags in the policy configuration file were incorrect. Here are some sample messages:
12/15 11:36:14 [336,80] TRCE :.......rpapi_getPolicyData: Unknown attribute %s in ServicePolicy-Ignoring. 12/15 11:36:14 [336,80] TRCE :.......rpapi_getPolicyData: Unknown attribute %s in Priority Mapping-Ignoring.